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Career Appendix
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Careers in Psychology
A great site for learning more about careers in psychology, including making the most of your undergraduate years, exploring career-related abilities, entry-level jobs for Psychology majors, and master's and doctoral-level careers in psychology and related areas.

Exceptional Children Teachers
Read the Web site of the National Clearinghouse on Careers and Professions related To Early Intervention and Education for Children with Disabilities. Excellent information about career choices involved in working with children who need special education is provided.

Early Childhood Education
The website of the National Association for the Education of Young Children has information about associate degree guidelines and publications about training and education.

Child Psychiatry
At the Web site of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry you can learn about many aspects of a career as a child psychiatrist. Click on the bar labeled training and you can read about the education and training required to become a child psychiatrist and the job opportunities that are available.

Counseling Psychology
This Web site has extensive links to a wide variety of information about counseling psychology careers.

Social Work
At the Web site of the National Association of Social Workers you can explore what social workers do, the credentials required to practice social work, and many other aspects of a career in social work.


Obstetrics and Gynecology
At the Web site of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology you can learn about careers, various subspecialties, and training.

This Web site of the American Academy of Pediatrics provides information about professional education in pediatrics, current issues and topics in pediatrics, and links to journals such as Pediatrics.

At the Web site of the American College of Nurse-Midwives, you can learn more about a career as a nurse-midwife, types of jobs that are available, resources related to this field, and links to related sites.

Neonatal Nursing
Learn more about the field of neonatal nursing at the Web site of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses. Includes career information about neonatal nursing and links to publications.

Pediatric Nursing
Learn more about the field of neonatal nursing at this Web site of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners. Includes information about a nursing career, the need for nurses, the changing job market, and advanced practice nursing.

Audiology and Speech Pathology
At the Web site of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), learn more about many different aspects of audiology and speech-language problems. Web site includes a section for students.

Genetic Counseling
Read about the field of genetic counseling, the careers available in genetic counseling, and the education required to become a genetic counselor.

Careers in Physical Therapy
Read about the field of Physical Therapy, the many career options in this field and what steps to take to be come a Physical Therapist.


Child Welfare Worker
Learn more about what a career as a child welfare worker is like at this Web site of the National Association of Social Workers. Includes information about jobs, credentials, publications, and links to many related social work sites. To go to the Student Center, click on Resources and then Student Center.

Child Life Specialist
At this Web site of the Child Life Council, you can learn more about a career as a child life specialist, including the education required and the certification process.

Marriage and Family Therapist
Read about the field of marriage and family therapy at the Web site of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.


Careers In Aging: Consider the Possibilities
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education:
Read about changing jobs, refocusing skills, becoming more motivated at work, overcoming age barriers, and pursuing lifelong learning.

Careers in Gerontology
Gerontological Society of America:
Read about the many exciting career opportunities in the field of Gerontology and see how the gerontology career field is growing every day.

Career Pages on Gerontology Education Sites

Social Work Careers in Aging
University of Albany: this website provides information about the growing field of gerontology along with helpful links about different career options in the field.

The Field of Gerontology and Careers in Gerontology
Arizona State University: Provides a brief synopsis about the study of gerontology and the many possibilities for recent gerontology graduates.

Career Paths
Department of Applied Gerontology, North Texas State University: Provides links and information about the various roles of a career in aging.

Gerontology/Geriatric Programs (Directories)

Graduate Schools in Gerontology
Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California

National Database on Gerontology in Higher Education
The Database on Gerontology in Higher Education was compiled from information collected in a national survey conducted by the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) and the University of Southern California.

Accredited MSW Programs Offering Gerontology
Council on Social Work Education: A comprehensive listing of accredited programs.

Careers within Professions and Disciplines

Long-Term Care Administration
Long Term Care Education.Com: Provides a detailed overview of the Long Term care industry.

What Practitioners Should know about Working with Older Adults
(APA): A comprehensive American Psychological Website devoted to the field of aging.

Federal Government Employment and Training

Volunteer Internship Opportunities:
U.S. Administration on Aging: Some 45 million Americans participate in volunteer activities and 15 million - about one third - of those who volunteer are older persons.

USA Jobs
U.S. Office of Personnel Management web site provides numerous career opportunities for any field.

Research Training Opportunities: Career Resources
U.S. National Institutes of Health: Extensive listing of websites for developing career skills.

Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Centers
(GRECCs) (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs): Geriatric Education Centers strengthen multidisciplinary training of health professionals to diagnose, treat and prevent disease and other health problems that older people face.

Explore Career Opportunities at AARP

LifeSmartOnline Learning Center

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