1 |  |  The theory of natural selection, postulated by _______________, is used in the field of evolutionary psychology. |
|  | A) | Charles Darwin. |
|  | B) | Charles Dandridge. |
|  | C) | William James. |
|  | D) | Henry James. |
2 |  |  One element of evolutionary psychology, that applies to social psychology, is the idea that |
|  | A) | a person' s behavior and personality traits which are considered favorable by one's culture are less likely to be passed on to the next generation through reproduction. |
|  | B) | a person's behavior and personality traits which are considered favorable by one's culture are more likely to be passed on to the next generation through reproduction. |
|  | C) | a person's behavior and personality traits that are considered unfavorable by one's culture are more likely to be passed on to the next generation through reproduction. |
|  | D) | a person who is more sociable than others is considered to be more evolved than other people. |
3 |  |  With regards to personal space, which would be expected? |
|  | A) | Children maintain more distance than do adults. |
|  | B) | Women keep more distance from one another than do men. |
|  | C) | Cultures near the equator prefer more space than do cultures further from the equator. |
|  | D) | North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans. |
4 |  |  Miles Patterson and Yuichi Iizuka (2007) found that: |
|  | A) | American pedestrians were much more likely than Japanese pedestrians to smile at, nod to, or greet a confederate who walked by them. |
|  | B) | Japanese pedestrians were much more likely than American pedestrians to smile at, nod to, or greet a confederate who walked by them. |
|  | C) | American and Japanese pedestrians were equally likely to smile at, nod to, or greet a confederate who walked by them. |
|  | D) | American and Japanese pedestrians were more likely to smile at, nod to, or greet a male confederate than a female confederate who walked by them. |
5 |  |  Males are likely to take jobs that _______________, while women are more likely to take jobs that _______________ |
|  | A) | have strict norms; have flexible norms. |
|  | B) | enhance inequalities; reduce inequalities. |
|  | C) | earn less money; earn more money. |
|  | D) | reduce inequality; enhance inequality. |
6 |  |  Male aggression and dominance has been enhanced due to |
|  | A) | ethology. |
|  | B) | heredity. |
|  | C) | species heredity. |
|  | D) | natural selection. |
7 |  |  As some women age, they become more |
|  | A) | aggressive. |
|  | B) | passive. |
|  | C) | rigid. |
|  | D) | assertive. |
8 |  |  Empathy can be defined as |
|  | A) | feeling sorry for someone. |
|  | B) | when a person secretly feels jealous about another person's success. |
|  | C) | when a person tries to put themselves in another person's place and feel what they might be feeling. |
|  | D) | when a person repeats themselves emphatically to convey strong feelings. |
9 |  |  When someone purposely says or does something that is meant to hurt someone else, this is referred to as |
|  | A) | an accident. |
|  | B) | acceleration. |
|  | C) | aggression. |
|  | D) | aggregation. |
10 |  |  An interaction, such as the one between biology and culture, is said to occur when |
|  | A) | two streets meet. |
|  | B) | the effect of one factor causes another. |
|  | C) | when two attitudes meet. |
|  | D) | the effect of one factor depends upon another factor. |
11 |  |  In egalitarian societies, |
|  | A) | males do less than in non-egalitarian societies. |
|  | B) | evolutionary demands on mating preferences are less. |
|  | C) | women do less than men. |
|  | D) | women are the authoritative figures. |
12 |  |  The power of the situation is also called |
|  | A) | personal control. |
|  | B) | environmental control. |
|  | C) | social control. |
|  | D) | attribution. |
13 |  |  The power of the person is called |
|  | A) | attribution. |
|  | B) | social control. |
|  | C) | environmental control. |
|  | D) | personal control. |
14 |  |  Which of the following are not one of the gender differences supported by research? |
|  | A) | Women are shorter in height compared to men. |
|  | B) | Women are more sensitive to the sense of smell compared to men. |
|  | C) | Women are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD compared to men. |
|  | D) | Women are more sensitive to the sense of hearing compared to men. |
15 |  |  The disgust and revulsion that most people feel regarding the topic of incest, can be viewed as |
|  | A) | a culture specific phenomenon. |
|  | B) | a reflection of cultural diversity. |
|  | C) | a universal norm. |
|  | D) | a non-universal phenomenon. |
16 |  |  Gender differences in aggression, as seen in the United States, are marked by statistics showing that males comprise ________ of prisoners. |
|  | A) | 92 |
|  | B) | 52 |
|  | C) | 32 |
|  | D) | 12 |
17 |  |  As noted in the text, the World Economic Forum stated in the Global Gender Gap Report of 2008, that Norway, Finland, and Sweden |
|  | A) | have the greatest gender equality. |
|  | B) | have the least gender equality. |
|  | C) | have the most gender equivocation. |
|  | D) | have no interest in gender equality. |
18 |  |  Regarding independence and connectedness, research shows |
|  | A) | women are more connected to others than men. |
|  | B) | men are more connected to others than women. |
|  | C) | men and women are equally connected to each other. |
|  | D) | boys are more connected to others than girls. |
19 |  |  Gender differences are seen in the play behavior of children, with |
|  | A) | girls having fewer close conversations and more aggressiveness than boys. |
|  | B) | girls having more close conversations and less aggressiveness than boys. |
|  | C) | girls play in large groups compared to boys. |
|  | D) | boys play in small groups compared to girls. |
20 |  |  Research regarding smiling has shown |
|  | A) | There are gender differences, with men having higher rates of smiling compared to women. |
|  | B) | There are gender differences, with men showing more micro smiles compared to women. |
|  | C) | There are gender differences, with women having higher rates of smiling compared to women. |
|  | D) | There are no gender differences in the rates of smiling. |