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Internet Connections
(See related pages)

  1. Non-verbal behavior/Non-verbal communication links ( recently updated, organized set of links to non-verbal communication sites, articles, online experiments and more -- in English and Spanish!
  2. "Crimes of Persuasion: Schemes, Scams, Fraud" ( - site describes "how con artists will steal your savings and inheritance through telemarketing fraud, investment schemes and consumer scams" - lots of examples, tactics and links.
  3. Influence at Work ( - commercial site containing many essays and links on persuasion


  1. Propaganda analysis ( - at the Institute for Propaganda Analysis - includes descriptions and examples of common techniques and some examples of propaganda, including some video examples.
  2. Propaganda posters ( - online exhibit includes 33 posters and 1 audio clip from World War II.
  3. More propaganda posters ( - A large collection of visual culture and public health posters from the 20th century.
  4. Spin of the Day ( - Spin of the Day, a part of the PR Watch site, presents examples of public relations, propaganda, and media spin.


  1. ( - F.A.C.T.Net (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network) "focuses on protecting freedom of mind from harms caused by all forms of mind control and unethical influence" - lots of information and resources on cults, scientology and attempts at mind control.
  2. Cults and psychological manipulation ( - site from American Family Foundation, "a nonprofit, tax-exempt research center and educational organization founded in 1979. AFF's mission is to study psychological manipulation and cultic groups, to educate the public and professionals, and to assist those who have been adversely affected by a cult-related experience." Includes:
    essays (,
    study guides (,
    critical thinking resources (,
    and extensive links (

Persuasion in the Media

  1. Joe Chemo ( – satirical and informative site about the effects of smoking and its presentation in the media.
  2. Selling Tobacco: Ads of the 1940s and 1950s ( - remarkable collection of the print ads used to sell tobacco products before the Surgeon General's warning.
  3. Video: Scientific American Frontiers episodes ( -
  4. You can view two complete, social psych-relevant episodes online by searching for "Facing Feelings" and "Power of Persuasion" in the search box.
  5. Public service announcements
  6. ( - This excellent resource provides a history of many of the public service announcements from the Ad Council over the last 60 years. It includes lots of images and some video. Remember the "Crying Indian" television ad? Watch it here.
  7. Ad slogans ( - Lots of examples of ad slogans and other resources on how they are created and more
  8. Promoting tobacco to college-age students ( – This article describes attempts to influence college student smoking and efforts to prevent it.
  9. Print ads ( - "The Ad*Access Project, funded by the Duke Endowment "Library 2000" Fund, presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Ad*Access concentrates on five main subject areas: radio, television, transportation, beauty and hygiene, and World War II, providing a coherent view of a number of major campaigns and companies through images preserved in one particular advertising collection available at Duke University."
  10. Do disclaimers about health claims help? ( - "Effects of strength of science disclaimers on the communication impacts of health claims" is a recent research report from the Food and Drug Administration.

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