1 | | Who were the first people to believe in transmigration of the soul? |
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2 | | How did they prepare the bodies of the dead so that their souls could journey? |
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3 | | What belief explained similarities in family members born after someone had died? |
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4 | | Who is credited with the first definition of soul transmigration? |
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5 | | What was his belief about the soul? |
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6 | | What is Plato's view of the transmigration of the soul from body to body? |
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7 | | How does Plato describe what is termed the "origin of both the concept of karma and the Christian concept of hell"? |
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8 | | Who were the Druids and what was their belief about reincarnation? |
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9 | | According to this author, why does Christianity not teach reincarnation? |
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