1. To identify the components and impact of the death system.
2. To identify and explain the cultural standards by which homicidal acts are judged.
3. To define homicide and distinguish various categories and types.
4. To evaluate the effects of capital punishment.
5. To develop an alternative model for punishment.
6. To identify conventional signs of death and new technology.
7. To name four approaches to the definition of death and to evaluate the usefulness of each.
8. To give an example of a practical definition of death and its application to making a determination of death.
9. To describe the major points of view involved in the Uniform Determination of Death Act.
10. To describe the emotional, physical, and ethical components of organ transplantation.
11. To describe the stipulations contained in the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act and to assess its pertinence for oneself.
12. To identify the functions and purposes of death certification.
13. To describe the functions, similarities, and differences between the coroner and the medical examiner.
14. To identify the purposes of the autopsy.
15. To recognize cross-cultural issues related to medical ethics.
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