1. To define bereavement, grief, and mourning.
2. To describe and evaluate the major models of grief.
3. To describe the experience of grief.
4. To list the somatic, perceptual, and emotional manifestations of grief and to assess its impact on morbidity and mortality.
5. To evaluate the concept of complicated mourning.
6. To explain the variables that influence grief.
7. To list various coping strategies in bereavement and assess the value of each.
8. To identify patterns of grieving and gender stereotypes.
9. To identify how mode of death influences grief.
10. To explain the relationship between social support and disenfranchised grief.
11. To define unfinished business as it relates to grief and bereavement.
12. To assess arguments for and against grief counseling and grief therapy.
13. To assess how bereavement may provide an opportunity for growth.
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