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Student Textbook Survey
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Please complete the survey below and click submit to email your responses to the Psychology Department at McGraw-Hill.




4Please indicate which Santrock text you are providing feedback for:
A)Child Development, Eleventh Edition
B)Children, Ninth Edition
C)Adolescence, Eleventh Edition
D)A Topical Approach to Life-Span Development, Third Edition

5How is the book assigned for use in this course?
A)required primarily for reading material
B)required primarily for homework
C)required for both reading and homework

6To what extent would you say using the text contributes to your getting a good grade in the course?
A)little or no extent
B)moderate extent
C)high extent

7How extensively do you actually use your text?
A)don't use
B)use only as assigned
C)use extensively, even more than what is assigned

8What study aids have you found within textbooks to be particularly useful?

9What comes to mind as being particularly good about your book?

10Where do you feel improvements could be made?

11Do you have any other comments?

12May we quote you?

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