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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Research is:
A)the process of asking questions and finding answers.
B)only conducted by scientists.
C)always commissioned by individuals or organizations.
D)not used by consumers.
Scholarly research:
A)relies on informal, scientific, and systematic methods.
B)is intended for a private audience.
C)is reviewed by other experts in the field.
D)uses prediction of communication behavior as its goal.
Research and theory are related because:
A)research drives theory.
B)research is built on the results of previous researchers and provides a foundation for subsequent researchers, which contributes to theory development and theory testing.
C)research formulates, tests, and verifies theory in one step.
Science is heuristic. This means that:
A)findings should be able to be extended to similar situations or to similar people.
B)scientific research must be based on evidence.
C)research findings should lead to more questions.
D)research results are replicable or repeatable.
E)research must be part of the public record.
Communication as a social science:
A)relies on quantitative methods only.
B)relies on qualitative methods only.
C)relies on rhetorical or humanistic methods.
D)uses both quantitative methods and qualitative methods.
Criteria for evaluating the questions researchers ask are:
A)quantitative methods, qualitative methods, and social science methods
B)methodological extremes, and law of the hammer
C)personal interest, social importance, and theoretical significance
D)testable, generalizability, and heuristic
E)describe behavior, determine causes of behavior, predict behavior, and explain behavior
The research practice, if approached systematically, can result in:
A)describing behavior.
B)predicting behavior.
C)determining behavior.
D)all of the above.
The social sciences:
A)are no different than the natural sciences.
B)do not use a systematic scientific approach.
C)focus on the study of human behavior.
D)participants’ subjective experiences.
E)abstract and often unobservable communication phenomena.
Questions of cause and effect:
A)examine if, how, and the degree to which phenomena are related.
B)establish definitions for phenomena.
C)are used to recommend a course of action.
D)ask and answer if one or more variables is the cause of one or more outcome variables.
Quantitative research methods, generally speaking, rely on:
A)participant observation in naturally occurring contexts.
B)numerical measurement.
C)participants’ subjective experiences.
D)abstract and often unobservable communication phenomena.

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