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Multiple Choice Quiz
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A linear relationship is one in which:
A)a one-unit change in one variable is associated with a constant change in the other variable.
B)a one-unit change in one variable is associated with a constant change in the same direction in the other variable.
C)a one-unit change in one variable is associated with a constant change in the opposite direction in the other variable.
D)both variables change the same amount in the same direction.
E)both variables change the same amount in the opposite direction.
A test of relationship examines patterns in the data to determine if:
A)the null hypothesis is true and the alternative hypothesis is not.
B)the alternative hypothesis is true and the null hypothesis is not.
C)both the null and alternative hypotheses are true.
D)both the null and alternative hypotheses are not true.
A correlation is the statistical test for:
A)testing the linear relationships among three continuous level variables.
B)determining degrees of freedom.
C)testing the linear relationship between two continuous level variables.
D)determining the significance level.
E)determining the interaction effect between two independent variables.
r2 is used to determine:
A)if the relationship is significant.
B)if the relationship is positive.
C)the amount of variance two variables has in common.
D)if the relationship is negative.
E)the direction of the relationship.
A correlation coefficient must be interpreted both for its:
A)significance and direction.
B)significance and strength.
C)strength and direction.
D)ability to distinguish between relationships and differences.
A correlation matrix:
A)displays how every variable is correlated with every other variable.
B)displays the shared variance between pairs of variables.
C)identifies all of the possible hypotheses in a research study.
D)determines which relationships are significant and worthy of further study.
E)determines which relationships are significant.
Regression is superior to correlation because it:
A)is more flexible.
B)can predict some variables by knowing others.
C)can be used with more than two variables.
D)can test for the influence of more than one independent variable.
E)all of the above.
Multiple regression allows a researcher to test for a significant relationship between:
A)two categorical variables.
B)two continuous level variables.
C)a categorical independent variable and a continuous level dependent variable.
D)dependent variable and multiple independent variables separately and as a group.
E)dependent variable and multiple independent variables.
For tests of relationship, the significance level is usually set at:
A).10 as the criterion for making the decision to accept the research hypothesis.
B).01 as the criterion for making the decision to accept the research hypothesis.
C).05 as the criterion for making the decision to accept the research hypothesis.
D).50 as the criterion for making the decision to accept the research hypothesis.
E).00 as the criterion for making the decision to accept the research hypothesis.
A correlation coefficient can range from:
A)–10.00 to +10.00.
B)–.001 to +001.
C)–.010 to +.010.
D)–.50 to +.50.
E)–1.00 to +1.00.
Structural equation modeling:
A)allows researchers to test whether a theoretical model is statistically different from their collected data.
B)employs both endogenous and exogenous variables.
C)is used when communication researchers want to test for significant associations among multiple independent and dependent variables.
D)all of the above.
E)none of the above.

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