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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Qualitative research:
A)preserves the form and content of human interaction.
B)is not empirically based.
C)is interested in isolating one aspect of the communication phenomenon to study.
D)aims for objectivity.
In qualitative research, discourse is:
A)transformed to numerical equivalents.
B)the set of naturally occurring messages used as data.
C)subjected to statistical testing.
D)the statement written by the researcher about the people observed.
Inductive analysis:
A)is the same as deductive reasoning.
B)is achieved when researchers create distance between the research participants and themselves.
C)is the discovery and development of theory as they emerge from qualitative data.
D)moves from general to specific.
The model for qualitative research demonstrates that:
A)the research process is not linear.
B)cannot be planned in its entirety before entering the scene.
C)research questions guide the investigation.
D)interpretation and analysis can begin as soon as data are collected or shortly after.
E)All of the above.
Credibility is essential to qualitative research because:
A)multiple interpretations are likely in qualitative research.
B)researchers using qualitative methods want to prove that some reality exists.
C)qualitative research is objective.
D)researchers using qualitative methods want to demonstrate the quality of their interpretations.
E)a and d
Triangulation is used by qualitative researchers to:
A)find more data.
B)find three themes to answer each research question.
C)bring participants in to the interpretation process.
D)enhance credibility of their findings.
E)None of the above.
In qualitative research, research questions:
A)are quite similar to research questions for quantitative research.
B)provide the researcher with a focus.
C)give the researcher considerable latitude.
D)usually ask "how" or "what."
E)all except a.
In qualitative research, data:
A)is restricted to what can be counted.
B)have few restrictions. Anything that can be observed or captured could count as data
C)must be at the microlevel of evidence.
D)includes the interpretation of the researcher.
Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when:
A)data are accurate and complete.
B)the interpretation is objective.
C)when data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.
D)the researcher does not consider why some data are more salient than others.
Member checks, or member validations, are useful because:
A)they enhance credibility of data interpretation for participants.
B)they give participants a chance to comment on or even edit the preliminary research report.
C)participants’ contributions are often the source of valuable insight for the researcher.
D)all of the above

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