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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Both the deductive and inductive research models
A)are linear.
B)start with identifying the research problem.
C)move from the known position supported by theory to the data.
D)move from the data to development of the theory.
In the deductive research model, the research process:
A)is complete after the data are interpreted.
B)is complete after the data are gathered.
C)begins when the researcher formulates the research questions or hypotheses.
D)is not necessarily complete, even when the researcher has answered the initial questions.
In the inductive research model:
A)theory is developed at the beginning of the research process.
B)theory is developed before data is collected.
C)theory is developed near the end and new questions are identified to start the process again.
D)the researcher need not worry about designing research methods or procedures.
Once your preliminary research question is developed, you should:
A)evaluate your question for its communication orientation.
B)check to see if the question is clearly stated.
C)check to see if the question is phrased in such a way that it is not biased toward a particular answer.
D)determine if there is a way to observe or measure the communication phenomenon of interest.
E)all of the above.
To conduct a basic library search, you should search
A)communication journals.
B)your university's catalog holdings.
C)with keywords.
D)online databases.
E)all of the above.
In reading academic journals or scholarly books, conclusions based on the data collected are found in:
A)the title.
B)the abstract.
C)the literature review.
D)the methods section.
E)the discussion section.
Research and theory are necessary complements to one another because
A)the inductive research model starts with theory.
B)research findings are integrated into a system of description, prediction, or explanation.
C)the deductive research model ends with theory development.
D)theory is necessary to validate research.
If you cannot come up with a communication problem to investigate, you can start by:
A)reviewing major news sources for featured contemporary problems and issues.
B)thinking about a theory you had previously learned about that you feel is particularly relevant to your personal or professional life.
C)thinking of what happened to you or in front of you today that illuminated a communication dilemma, problem, or question.
D)all of the above.
When adjusting your research question, you should ask yourself:
A)who has done the most work on your issue?
B)what questions about the issue have already been answered?
C)are there theories that can help you make sense of your question?
D)what aspects of the issue have received the most attention?
E)all of the above.
Anytime you use the work of others, you must:
A)cite in the text of your paper only the year of the work that you are using.
B)provide a citation indicating in the text of your paper what idea you are using and whose idea it is.
C)decide whether or not to cite the author or to leave the citation out of your paper.
D)provide a citation in the bibliography or list of references only.

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