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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Experimental research:
A)most often occurs in the lab or other environment controlled by the researcher.
B)produces data that are examined by statistical tests.
C)seeks to determine causation.
D)relies on probability sampling for selection of research participants and random assignment of participants to conditions
E)all of the above
Experimental forms differ from quasi-experimental forms in that:
A)the researcher controls manipulation of the independent variables in experimental, but not quasi-experimental forms.
B)participants are selected through probability sampling in experimental, but not quasi-experimental forms.
C)participants are selected through nonprobability sampling in experimental, but not quasi-experimental forms.
D)deception is used in experimental, but not quasi-experimental forms.
E)only one independent variable is used in experimental forms, while multiple independent variables can be used in quasi-experimental forms.
Treatment groups are:
A)used in descriptive research.
B)based on theory and reflected in the study's hypotheses.
C)the groups in which participants receive no stimuli.
D)compared to the control group.
E)b and d.
A manipulation check is used to determine if the:
A)dependent variable was manipulated as the researcher intended.
B)independent variable was manipulated as the researcher intended.
C)sample is representative of the population.
D)correct research procedures were used.
E)posttest was the same as the pretest.
In a pretest-posttest experimental design:
A)participants are randomly assigned to treatment and control groups.
B)the researcher measures the dependent variable only once, during or after participants' exposure to the independent variable.
C)the researcher measures the dependent variable twice, before and after exposure to the stimulus.
D)a and b.
E)a and c.
In a factorial design:
A)two or more independent variables can be tested.
B)the effect of each independent variable can be examined.
C)the interaction effect of each combination of independent variables can be examined.
D)all of the above.
In a longitudinal design:
A)there are multiple measurements of the dependent variable.
B)the length of time between measurements is relative to the topic of study.
C)the greater the length of time between measurements, the more likely it is that other factors can influence the dependent variable.
D)training can be evaluated for its effectiveness.
E)all of the above.
Descriptive designs:
A)are more rigorous because the researcher does not have direct control over the independent variable.
B)are more rigorous because participants are not randomly assigned to treatment or control groups.
C)are sometimes call field experiments.
D)are less specific to the temporal order in which variables are observed or measured.
E)are superior to experimental research.
Researchers can influence the results of any experimental design by:
A)simply being themselves. A researcher's characteristics can influence how participants respond.
B)unknowingly encouraging participants to respond in the way that supports the predictions of their hypotheses.
C)being blind to the experimental conditions.
D)selecting participants from a population with whom they are unfamiliar.
E)a and b.
A research protocol:
A)is the informed consent form given to participants before participating in the research project.
B)is the set of instructions the researcher reads to participants of a particular treatment.
C)details each procedural step of the research design.
D)determines which variables are independent and dependent.
E)determines the length of time between measurements of the dependent variable in a longitudinal design.

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