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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Descriptive statistics convey:
A)essential information about the sample.
B)essential information about the population.
C)essential information about variables in a dataset.
D)essential information about each respondent.
E)the return rate in a survey research project.
The normal curve:
A)is a theoretical distribution of scores.
B)is asymmetrical.
C)has the mean, median, and mode at different points of the curve.
D)exists for each variable.
A skewed curve is:
B)characterized by identical left and right slopes.
C)characterized by the mean, median, and mode in the same location.
D)characterized by the data being bunched to one side or the other.
E)a theoretical distribution of scores.
Measures of central tendency:
A)are the standard deviation and range.
B)are the mean, median, and mode.
C)describe the dispersion of scores.
D)are the percentages used to describe the demographic characteristics of the sample.
The mean:
A)is the most commonly reported measure of central tendency.
B)is the most sensitive to extremely high or low scores.
C)depends upon each and every score.
D)is also known as the average.
E)all of the above.
The standard deviation is the:
A)lowest score given by any participant.
B)highest score given by any participant.
C)representation of variability in the dataset.
D)computation found by adding all scores and dividing by the number of cases.
E)computation found by subtracting the lowest score from the highest score.
A significance level is:
A)the degree to which research findings have social significance.
B)the degree to which the sample mirrors the population.
C)the term used to describe research that has practical significance.
D)the level of error the researcher is willing to accept for each statistical test.
E)the proportion of the population to the sample.
Significance level is:
A)the same as the probability level.
B)reported as p or alpha level in written research reports.
C)set by the researcher prior to computing the statistical test.
D)all of the above.
Hypothesis testing:
A)is an act of decision making.
B)is used in qualitative research.
C)is based on the research or alternative hypothesis.
D)assesses the practical and social significance of the research finding.
E)is based on an alpha level of .00.
Type 1 error occurs when:
A)the null hypothesis is rejected even though it is true.
B)the null hypothesis is retained (or the researcher fails to reject the null hypothesis) when it is true.
C)the researcher does not claim a difference or relationship and one is not identified.
D)the researcher claims some different or relationship exists when one does not.
E)a and d

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