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Thought Probes
(See related pages)

Thinking about Nothing: Can you think about nothing? That is, can nothingness be the object of your thought? If so, can you describe what you're thinking about when you're thinking about nothing?

How can I be both "awake" and "thinking about nothing" at the same time?
A zen master's take on thinking about nothing

Nothingness in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Bostrom's Simulation Argument: Do you think it is probable that you are living in a computer simulation?

Are you living in a computer simulation?
Nick Bostrom's page on the simulation argument. It features a wealth of resources, including scholarly articles debating Bostrom's paper and Bostrom's replies. Be sure to check it out.

Review of Bostrom's Simulation Argument
A review of Bostrom's argument not included on Bostrom's page

Innate Knowledge: Do you think that there are any concepts or truths that all normal humans have or know?

Rationalism vs. Empiricism
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on the debate between Rationalism and Empiricism

Human Knowledge
A guide to John Locke's arguments regarding human knowledge

Is knowledge innate?
An article tackling the question of innate knowledge

Dreams and Reality: Is there no way to distinguish dreams from reality?

What's So Bad About Living in the Matrix?
Article by James Pryor (Princeton University) on the prospect of living in the Matrix

The Problem of Induction: If the belief that the future will resemble the past must be accepted on faith, is science a religion? Does hypothetical deduction (inference to the best explanation) suffer from the same problem?

The Problem of Induction
Sir Karl Popper's paper on the problem of induction

The Problem of Induction (Hume)
Page on the Problem of Induction as presented by Hume

The Problem of Induction
Paper by Harman and Kulkarni on the problem

Responses to the Problem of Induction
James Anderson presents a survey of responses to the problem of induction

Constructing Reality: Are scientific laws invented or discovered? Is reality a human construct?

Religion and the Quantum World
Lecture on the relationship between quantum mechanics and reality by Keith Ward.

Review of Searle's The Construction of Social Reality
Jerry Shaffer's review of Searle's The Construction of Social Reality. The review concisely summarizes Searle's arguments.

Social Construction of Reality
Page on the history of the concept of a socially constructed reality

Social Construction
Wikipedia entry on social construction

Hypothesizing the External World: Do you agree with Locke that the hypothesis of an external world provides the best explanation of our sense data? Compare that hypothesis and the dream hypothesis in terms of the criteria of adequacy. Which does better with regard to simplicity, scope, conservatism, and fruitfulness?

John Locke
John Locke in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Dream Hypothesis, Transitions, and the Very Idea of Humanity
James F. Perry's article on the dream hypothesis

The Problem of the External World
Chapter from Peter Carruthers' book Human Knowledge and Human Nature

True Beliefs about Mars : Suppose a surgeon secretly implants a device in your head that gives you accurate beliefs regarding the terrain on Mars. Do you know the true beliefs produced by this device?

Skepticism and Foundations
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Article by Gilbert Harmon ( Princeton University ) on various view of justification

A Rationale for Reliabilism
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Article by Kent Bach defending Reliabilism

True Beliefs about Mars: Suppose a surgeon secretly implants a device in your head that gives you accurate beliefs regarding the terrain on Mars. Do you know the true beliefs produced by this device?

Skepticism and Foundations
Article by Gilbert Harmon (Princeton University) on various view of justification

A Rationale for Reliabilism
Article by Kent Bach defending Reliabilism

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