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A priori principle  A proposition whose truth we do not need to know through sensory experience and that no conceivable experience could serve to refute
A priori/a posteriori pair  In the philosophy of Saul Kripke, an a priori truth is a statement known to be true independently of any experience, and its opposite, an a posteriori truth, is a statement known to be true through experience
Absolute, the  That which is unconditioned and uncaused by anything else; it is frequently thought of as God, a perfect and solitary, self-caused eternal being that is the source or essence of all that exists but that is itself beyond the possibility of conceptualization or definition
Absolute Idealism  The early nineteenth-century school of philosophy that maintained that being is the transcendental unfolding or expression of thought or reason
Academics  Philosophers of the third and second centuries B.C.E. in what had been Plato's Academy; they had the reputation of maintaining that all things are inapprehensible
Act-utilitarianism  A form of utilitarianism (subscribed to by Bentham) in which the rightness of an act is determined by its effect on the general happiness
Aesthetics  The philosophical study of art and of value judgments about art and of beauty in general
Agoge  Way of living
Alterity  The condition of being "Other" to the center of power and authority
Analysis  The conceptual process by which complex propositions are resolved into propositions that have fewer or less doubtful metaphysical or epistemological presuppositions
Analytic philosophy  The predominant twentieth-century philosophical tradition in English-speaking countries; analytic philosophy has its roots in British empiricism and holds that analysis is the proper method of philosophy
Analytic statement (Quine)  A statement that holds come what may
Anarchism  A utopian political theory that seeks to eliminate all authority and state rule in favor of a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups
Antirepresentationalism  A philosophy that denies that the mind or language contains or is a representation of reality
Aporia  A term from ancient philosophy denoting a problem that's difficult to solve because of some contradiction in the object itself or the concept of it
Appeal to emotion  Trying to establish a position by playing on someone's emotions
Applied ethics  Moral theory applied to specific contemporary moral issues, such as abortion, affirmative action, pornography, capital punishment, and so on
Argument  A reason for accepting a position
Argument by analogy  As in an argument for the existence of God the idea that the world is analogous to a human contrivance and therefore, just as the human contrivance has a creator, the world must also have a creator
Argument from design  A proof for the existence of God based on the idea that the universe and its parts give evidence of purpose or design and therefore require a divine designer
Argumentum ad hominem  The mistaken idea that you can successfully challenge any view by criticizing the person whose view it is
Ataraxia  The goal of unperturbedness and tranquility of mind that was considered the highest good by ancient thinkers such as the Skeptics
Atomism  The ancient Greek philosophy that holds that all things are composed of simple, indivisible minute particles
Authenticity  In Sartre's philosophy, a way of understanding the essential nature of the human being by seeing it as a totality
Bad faith  In the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, essentially self-deception or lying to oneself, especially when this takes the form of blaming circumstances for one's fate and not seizing the freedom to realize oneself in action
Begging the question  The fallacy of assuming as a premise the very conclusion of the argument it is intended to prove
Behaviorism  The methodological principle in psychology according to which meaningful psychological inquiry confines itself to psychological phenomena that can be behaviorally defined; the theory in philosophy that when we talk about a person's mental states, we are referring in fact to the person's disposition to behave in certain ways
Buddhism  A philosophical tradition, founded by Gautama Siddhartha Buddha in the fifth century B.C.E., that took on various forms as a religion and spread throughout Asia; Buddhism attempts to help the individual conquer the suffering and mutability of human existence through the elimination of desire and ego and attainment of the state of nirvana
Bushido  The way or ethic of the samurai warrior, based on service and demanding rigorous training, usually both in the military and literary arts
Capabilities approach  In the philosophy of Martha Nussbaum, the principle that all nations and governments should provide for the core ingredients of human dignity
Capitalism  An economic system in which ownership of the means of production and distribution is maintained mostly by private individuals and corporations
Categorical imperative  Immanuel Kant's formulation of a moral law that holds unconditionally, that is, categorically; in its most common formulation, states that you are to act in such a way that you could desire the principle on which you act to be a universal law
Causal determinism  The idea that every event is caused by an antecedent set of events sufficient for the occurrence of the event in question
Clear and distinct criterion  René Descartes' criterion of truth, according to which that, and only that, which is perceived as clearly and distinctly as the fact of one's own existence is certain
Code Pink  A third wave women's grassroots peace and justice movement that opposes any kind of military force
Communism  (capital "c") The ideology of the Communist Party, (lowercase "c") an economic system
Communitarian  One who holds that there is a common good defined by one's society, the attainment of which has priority over individual liberty
Conceptualism  The theory that universals are concepts and exist only in the mind
Confucianism  A philosophical tradition that began with Confucius in the sixth century B.C.E. and continues to the present day; Confucianism is a practical philosophy that hopes to establish a better world order by means of moral perfection of the individual
Consequentialism  Ethical theories that evaluate actions by their consequences
Conservatism  A political philosophy based on respect for established institutions and traditions and that favors preservation of the status quo over social experimentation
Continental philosophy  The philosophical traditions of continental Europe; includes phenomenology, existentialism, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and critical theory
Contractarian theory  The political theory according to which a legitimate state exists only by virtue of an agreement or "contract" among the subjects of the state
Contractualism  Ethical theories according to which right and wrong are established by a societal agreement or social contract
Copenhagen interpretation  An interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which the act of observing a superposition causes it to collapse into a single determinate state
Copernican revolution in philosophy  A new perspective in epistemology, introduced by Immanuel Kant, according to which the objects of experience must conform in certain respects to our knowledge of them
Coprophilia  A sexual fetish some people feel when they come into contact with feces
Cosmological argument  An argument for the existence of God according to which the universe and its parts can be neither accidental nor self-caused and must ultimately have been brought into existence by God–3
Counterargument  An argument that counters the given argument
Creation ex nihilo  Creation out of nothing
Critical theory  A philosophical method that seeks to provide a radical critique of knowledge by taking into account the situation and interests involved
Cultural relativism  The theory that what is right (and wrong) is what your culture believes is right (and wrong)
Cyberfeminism  The idea that women can resist the patriarchy through their communication links in computer technology
Cynicism  A school of philosophy founded around the fifth century B.C.E., probably by Antisthenes of Diogenes; the Cynics sought to lead lives of total simplicity and naturalness by rejecting all comforts and conveniences of society
Cyrenaicism  The philosophy of Aristippus and others who lived in Cyrene about Plato's time; it emphasized seeking a life of as many intense pleasures as possible
Deconstruction  Derrida's theory of reading that undermines oppositions in any text
Deontological ethics  Ethical theories according to which what I ought to do is whatever it is my moral duty to do
Descriptive egoism  The doctrine that maintains that in conscious action a person always seeks self-interest above all else
Descriptive relativism  The doctrine that the moral standards people subscribe to differ from culture to culture and from society to society
Determinism  The doctrine that a person could not have acted otherwise than as she or he did act or more broadly, that future states of a system are determined by earlier states; that what happened could not have not happened
Ding-an-sich  German for "thing-in-itself" a thing as it is independent of any consciousness of it
Divine law  In the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, God's gift to humankind, apprehended through revelation, that directs us to our supernatural goal, eternal happiness
Divine-command ethics  Ethical theory according to which what is morally right and good is determined by divine command
Double aspect theory  The idea that whatever exists is both mental and physical; that is that the mental and physical are just different ways of looking at the same things. Spinoza, Benedictus de
Dream conjecture  The conjecture, used by Descartes, that all experience may be dream experience
Dualism  Two-ism; the doctrine that existing things belong to one or another but not both, of two distinct categories of things, usually deemed to be physical and nonphysical or spiritual
Ecofeminism  A branch of feminist philosophy that opposes any form of oppression that endangers nature
Écriture féminine  A "feminine" form of writing primarily invented by Cixous and Kristeva that is neither prose nor poetry, uses metaphor to elide boundaries between theory and fiction, and disrupts masculinist discourse
Egoism  The doctrine that in conscious action one seeks (or ought to seek) self-interest above all else
Egoistic ethical hedonism  The theory that one ought to seek one's own pleasure above all else
Eightfold Path  The way or practice recommended in Buddhism that includes Right View, Right Aim, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Living, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Contemplation
Emotivism  The theory that moral (and other) value judgments are expressions of emotions, attitudes, and feelings
Empiricism  The philosophy that all knowledge originates in sensory experience
Epicureanism  (capital "e") The philosophy of followers of Epicurus, who believed that personal pleasure is the highest good but advocated renouncing momentary pleasures in favor of more lasting ones
Epistemological detour  The attempt to utilize epistemological inquiry to arrive at metaphysical truths
Epistemology  The branch of philosophy concerned primarily with the criteria, nature, and possibility of knowledge
Equivalence thesis  The idea that letting people die of starvation is as bad as killing them
Esse est percipi  Latin for "to be is to be perceived," a doctrine that George Berkeley made the basis of his philosophy. Only that which is perceived exists; Berkeley held, however, that the minds that do the perceiving also exist
Essentialism  The belief that there are natural, innate differences between women and men, a rejection of the idea that gender is a social construction
Eternal law  In the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, the divine reason of God that rules over all things at all times
Ethical hedonism  The doctrine that you ought to seek pleasure over all else
Ethical naturalism  The belief that moral value judgments are really judgments of the natural world
Ethical relativism  The theory that there are no absolute and universally valid moral standards and values and that therefore the moral standards and values that apply to you are merely those that are accepted by your society
Ethical skepticism  The doctrine that moral knowledge is not possible
Ethics  The branch of philosophy that considers the nature, criteria, sources, logic, and validity of moral value judgments
Ethnophilosophy  A systematically descriptive method of investigating the philosophical concepts that are important in a culture, especially a culture that is primarily transmitted through unwritten stories, rituals, and statements of belief
Evil demon conjecture  The conjecture used by Descartes that states For all I know, an all-powerful "god" or demon has manipulated me so that all I take as true is in fact false
Existence precedes essence  (Sartre) Sartre's way of saying, you are what you make of yourself
Existentialism  A tradition of twentieth-century philosophy having its roots in the nineteenth century but coming to flower in Europe after World War II; of central concern is the question of how the individual is to find an authentic existence in this world, in which there is no ultimate reason why things happen one way and not another
Extension  A property by which a thing occupies space; according to Descartes, the essential attribute of matter
Fallacy  A mistake in reasoning
False dilemma  Offering only two options when in fact more than two options exist
Fascism  The totalitarian political philosophy of the Mussolini government in Italy, which stressed the primacy of the state and leadership by an elite who embody the will and intelligence of the people; the term is sometimes more generally used for any totalitarian movement
Feminism  Movement in support of the view that men and women should have equal social value and status
Fetish  A sexual fixation with objects, body parts, or situations not usually regarded as being sexual in nature
Five Ways  St. Thomas Aquinas's five proofs of God's existence
Form  Aristotle's theory of forms, in Plato's philosophy that which is denoted by a general word, a word (such as "good") that applies to more than a single thing
Foundationalism  The doctrine that a belief qualifies as knowledge only if it logically follows from propositions that are incorrigible (incapable of being false if you believe that they are true)
Four Noble Truths  Buddha's answer to the central problem of life (1) There is suffering; (2) suffering has specific and identifiable causes; (3) suffering can be ended; (4) the way to end suffering is through enlightened living, as expressed in the Eightfold Path
Free-market economy  An economic system built around the belief that supply and demand, competition, and a free play of market forces best serve the interests of society and the common good
Functionalism  The doctrine that what a thing is must be understood and analyzed not by what it is made of but by its function; for example, anything that functions as a mousetrap is a mousetrap, regardless of what it is made of or how it looks or is assembled
Gender  A person's biological sex as constructed, understood, interpreted, and institutionalized by society
General will  In the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the will of a politically united people, the will of a state
Gift-event of Being  Heidegger's claim that Being is not a thing, but is a happening in time
Hellenistic age  The period of Macedonian domination of the Greek-speaking world from around 335 B.C.E. to about 30 B.C.E.
Hermeneutics  Interpretive understanding that seeks systematically to access the essence of things
Hinduism  The Western word for the religious beliefs and practices of the majority of the people of India
Human law  In the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, the laws and statutes of society that are derived from our understanding of natural law
Hypothetical imperative  An imperative that states what you ought to do if a certain end is desired
Idealism  The doctrine that only what is mental (thought, consciousness, perception) exists and that so-called physical things are manifestations of mind or thought
Identity, problem of  What are the criteria of the sameness of an entity
Identity theory  The theory that mental states and events are brain states and events
Incorrigible  The property of a proposition that cannot be false if you believe it to be true
Indeterminacy of translation  In the philosophy of W. V. O. Quine, the idea that alternative incompatible translations of any language are compatible with the linguistic behavior of its speakers
Indeterminism  The philosophical doctrine that future states of a system are not determined by earlier states
Individual relativism  The theory that what is right (and wrong) is what you believe is right (and wrong)
Inscrutability of reference  In the philosophy of W. V. O. Quine, the idea that alternative conceptions of what objects a theory refers to are equally compatible with the totality of physical facts
Instrumental end  Something desirable as a means to an end, but not desirable for its own sake
Instrumentalism  A theory held by John Dewey, among others, that ideas, judgments, and propositions are not merely true or false; rather, they are tools to understand experience and solve problems
Interactionist dualism  The theory that the physical body and the nonphysical mind interact with each other
Intrinsic end  Something that is desirable for its own sake and not merely as a means to an end
Invisible-hand explanation  An explanation of a phenomenon as an unforeseen indirect consequence of action taken for some other purpose
Karma  The idea that your point of departure in life is determined by your decisions and deeds in earlier lives
Language game  The context in which an utterance is made, which determines the purposes served by the utterance and hence its meaning; Wittgenstein believed that philosophical problems are due to ignoring the "game" in which certain concepts are used
Law of the Father  In Lacan's theory, a system that contains encoded patriarchal values in language
Lawrence v. Texas  A 2003 ruling by the United States Supreme Court that a Texas law prohibiting homosexual sodomy was unconstitutional
Leviathan  The coiled snake or dragon in the Book of Job in the Bible; in the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, "that mortal God, to which we owe our peace and defense"; that is, the state (or its sovereign) created by social contract
Liberalism  A political philosophy whose basic tenet is that each individual should have the maximum freedom consistent with the freedom of others
Libertarian  Someone who believes in free will; alternatively, someone who upholds the principles of liberty of thought and action
Logic  The study of correct inference
Logical atomism  The metaphysical theory that the world does not consist of things but of facts, that is, things having certain properties and standing in certain relationship to one another. The ultimate facts are atomic in that they are logically independent of one another and are unresolvable into simpler facts; likewise, an empirically correct description of the world will consist ultimately of logically independent and unanalyzable atomic propositions that correspond to the atomic facts
Logical positivism  The philosophy of the Vienna Circle, according to which a purported statement of fact, if not a verbal truism, is meaningless unless certain conceivable observations would serve to confirm or deny it
Logicism  The thesis that the concepts of mathematics can be defined in terms of concepts of logic and that all mathematical truths can be proved from principles of formal logic
Logocentrism  A term coined by Derrida that refers to the traditional Western ways of thinking about truth, consciousness, and reason in language
Many-words interpretation  An interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which superpositions never collapse but divide so that many similar worlds with slight differences co-exist
Marxism  The socialist philosophy of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and their followers that postulates the labor theory of value, the dialectical interplay of social institutions, class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat leading to a classless society
Materialism  The theory that only physical entities exist and that so-called mental things are manifestations of an underlying physical reality
Means (forces) of production  In Marxism the means of producing the satisfaction of needs
Measurement problem  Explaining why quantum superpositions have determinate measurement outcomes
Metaphysics  The branch of philosophy that studies the nature and fundamental features of being
Mirror stage  In Lacanian theory, the stage of development when the child identifies itself with its own image, separate from its mother
Modified skeptic  A skeptic who does not doubt that at least some things are known but denies or suspends judgment on the possibility of knowledge about some particular subject
Monad  From the Greek word meaning "unit.'" Pythagoras used the word to denote the first number of a series, and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz used the word to denote the unextended, simple, soul-like basic elements of the universe
Moral argument for the existence of God  The argument that maintains that morality, to be more than merely relative and contingent, must come from and be guaranteed by a supreme being, God
Moral imperative  Distinguished by Kant from a hypothetical imperative, which holds conditionally (e.g., "If you desire health, then eat well!"), a moral imperative holds unconditionally (e.g., "Do your duty!")
Moral judgment  A value judgment about what is morally right or wrong, good or bad, proper or improper
Morality of intent  It is not what you do that matters morally but the state of mind with which you do it
Natural law  In Hobbes's philosophy, a value-neutral principle, discovered by reason, of how best to preserve one's life
Natural law political theory  The view that questions of political ethics are to be answered by natural law, which alone determines what is right, good, just, and proper (and their alternatives)
Natural right  A right thought to belong by nature to all human beings at all times and in all circumstances
Naturalist fallacy  Thinking that a moral value judgment is entailed by a descriptive statement. Perhaps not really a fallacy
Naturalized epistemology  The view that the important epistemological problems are those that can be resolved by psycho logical investigation of the processes involved in acquiring and revising beliefs
Necessary being  A being whose nonexistence is impossible
Necessary/contingent pair  In the philosophy of Saul Kripke, a necessary truth is a statement that could not possibly be false. A contingent truth is a statement that is true but could have been false
Necrophilia  Obsessive fascination with death and corpses
Neoplatonism  A further development of Platonic philosophy under the influence of Aristotelian and Pythagorean philosophy and Christian mysticism; it flourished between the third and sixth centuries, stressing a mystical intuition of the highest One or God, a transcendent source of all being
Neuroscientific determinism  The idea that our choices are determined by unconscious neurophysiological events about which we have no knowledge and over which we have no control
Nihil in intellectu quod prius non fuerit in sensu  Nothing is in the intellect that was not first in the senses; an epistemological principle formulated by Thomas Aquinas as an extrapolation of Aristotles thinking
Nihilism  The rejection of values and beliefs
Nirvana  In Buddhism, the highest good; the extinction of will and of the accompanying ego, greed, anger, delusion, and clinging to existence. Achievement of nirvana means being freed from all future rebirths
Nominalism  The theory that only individual things are real
Normative ethics  A system of moral value judgments together with their justifications
Normative questions  Questions about the value of something
Noumena  In the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, things as they are in themselves independent of all possible experience of them
Nous  A Greek word variously translated as "thinking," "mind," "spirit," and "intellect"
Occasionalism  A variant of parallelism according to which an act of willing your body to do something is the occasion for God to cause your body to do it
Ontological argument  The argument that God's existence is entailed by the definition or concept of God
Ontology  The branch of metaphysics that deals with the study of existence or being
Original position  John Rawls' name for a hypothetical condition in which rational and unbiased individuals select the principles of social justice that govern a well-ordered society
Pan-African philosophy  A cultural categorization of philosophical activity that includes the work of African thinkers and thinkers of African descent wherever they are located
Paradox of fiction  The idea that humans respond emotionally to imaginary events or characters in fiction even though they know they aren't real
Paradox of hedonism  Henry Sidgwick's term for the fact that the desire for pleasure, if it is too strong, defeats its own aim
Parallelism  The doctrine that there are two parallel and coordinated series of events, one mental and the other physical, and that apparent causal interaction between the mind and the body is to be explained as a manifestation of the correlation between the two series
Patriarchy  Second wave feminist term representing the set of institutions that legitimized universal male power
Perception  A modern word for what Thomas Hobbes called "sense," the basic mental activity from which all other mental phenomena are derived
Performativity  Acts that are types of authoritative speech as enforced through the norms of society
Personal identity, problem of  What are the criteria of sameness of person?
Perspectivism  The idea that all perception and conceptualization takes place from a particular perspective
Phallocentrism  A Lacanian term that describes the symbolic order in which the phallus is privileged
Phallus  A symbolic representation of the penis
Phenomena  In Kant's philosophy, objects as experienced and hence as organized and unified by the categories of the understanding and the forms of space and time, 138; things as they appear to us or, alternatively, the appearances themselves.
Phenomenalism  The theory that we only know phenomena; in analytic philosophy, the theory that propositions referring to physical objects can, in principle, be expressed in propositions referring only to sense-data
Phenomenological reduction  A method of putting aside the ordinary attitude toward the world and its objects in order to see the objects of pure consciousness through intuition
Phenomenology  The objective philosophical investigation of essences or meanings developed by the philosopher Edmund Husserl (1859–1938)
Philosophical behaviorism  The theory that references to a person's psychological states and processes are in fact oblique references to the way the person is apt to behave given certain conditions
Philosophy of mind  A branch of philosophy that studies the nature of consciousness, the mind, and psychological processes
Philosophy of mind  That area of analytic philosophy concerned with the nature of consciousness, mental states, the mind, and the proper analysis of everyday psychological vocabulary
Political philosophy  The philosophical study of the state, its justification, and its ethically proper organization
Postmodernism  The period of twentieth-century Western culture following modernism that challenges traditional cultural values in a variety of ways
Poststructuralism  A movement that crosses many disciplines and rejects the methods of structuralism and its ideological assumptions
Pragmatic theory of truth  In Dewey's and William James's philosophies, a theory of justification according to which (roughly) a belief may be accepted as true if it works
Pragmatism  Philosophies that hold that the meaning of concepts lies in the difference they make to conduct and that the function of thought is to
Prescriptive egoism  The doctrine that in all conscious action you ought to seek your self-interest above all else
Prescriptive judgment  A statement that assigns a value to a thing; a value judgment
Pre-Socratic philosophers  Greek philosophers who lived before Socrates
Principle of noncontradiction  The principle that a proposition and its contradictory cannot both be true and one or the other must be true
Principle of sufficient reason  The principle that there is a sufficient reason why things are exactly as they are and are not otherwise
Principle of the identity of indiscernibles  The principle according to which if entity X and entity Y have exactly the same set of properties, then X= Y
Private language  In the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, a language that can be understood by only a single individual
Productive relations  In Marxism, social institutions and practices
Psychoanalysis  A psychological theory and therapeutic method developed by Sigmund Freud
Psycholinguistics  A branch of linguistics that studies psychological aspects of language
Psychological determinism  The idea that our choices are determined by our preferences, which in turn are determined by features of our psychology about which we have little or no knowledge and over which we have no control
Psychological hedonism  The theory that pleasure is the object of a person's desire
Pyrrhonists  Members of a school of philosophical skepticism in the Hellenistic and Roman periods who attempted to suspend judgment on all knowledge claims
Pythagoreans  Pythagoras and his followers, whose doctrine—a combination of mathematics and philosophy—gave birth to the concept in metaphysics that fundamental reality is eternal, unchanging, and accessible only to reason
P-zombies  Philosophical zombies; imaginary beings used in thought experiments by philosophers, that cannot be distinguished from normal human beings, but they lack conscious experience and sentience
Queer theory  A theory that deconstructs binary oppositions/ sexual boundaries
Rationalism  The epistemological theory that reason is either the sole or primary source of knowledge; in practice, most rationalists maintain merely that at least some truths are not known solely on the basis of sensory experience
Realism  The theory that the real world is independent of the mind
Red herring  The fallacy of addressing a point other than the one actually at issue
Reductionism  The idea that every meaningful statement reduces to the experience that would confirm or disconfirm it
Representationalism  The doctrine that true beliefs are accurate representations of the state of affairs they are about
Representative realism  The theory that we perceive objects indirectly by means of representations (ideas, perceptions) of them
Rule-utilitarianism  A form of utilitarianism (subscribed to by John Stuart Mill) in which the rightness of an act is determined by the impact on the general happiness of the rule or principle the action exemplifies
Samurai  The warrior aristocracy of Japan
Semiotic  The pre-Oedipal stage when the child does not distinguish between itself and its mother
Sense-data  That which you are immediately aware of in sensory experience; the contents of awareness
Skeptic  One who questions or suspends judgment on the possibility of knowledge
Skepticism  (capital "s") A school of philosophy that emerged in the Hellenistic and Roman periods after Plato; included the Academics and the Pyrrhonists
Social contract  An agreement among individuals forming an organized society or between the community and the ruler that defines the rights and duties of each
Social philosophy  The philosophical study of society and its institutions; concerned especially with determining the features of the ideal or best society
Socialism  The theory that communal ownership of land, capital, and the means of production is the best way of serving the common good.
Sophists  Ancient Greek rhetoricians who taught debating skills for a fee
Specific difference  How a thing is specifically different from other things in the same genus
Stoicism  (capital "s") The ethical philosophy of the ancient Greek Stoics, who emphasized the serene or untroubled life as the highest good and thought it best reached through acceptance of the natural order of things
Straw man  The fallacy of trying to refute someone's view by misrepresenting it
Subjectivism  In ethics, the doctrine that what is right is determined by what people believe is right; elsewhere, the theory that limits knowledge of conscious states
Subjectivity  Taking place in a person's mind as opposed to the external world
Superposition  A quantum state in which a system realizes more than one distinct possibility
Synthetic truth (Quine)  A true statement that is not such that it holds "come what may,"
Tabula rasa  Latin for "blank tablet"; also, John Locke's metaphor for the condition of the mind prior to the imprint of sensory experience
Tacit consent  An implied rather than explicitly consent, as, for example, when you consent to the laws of your state by continuing to live in it
Tao  In Chinese philosophy, the Way the ultimate and eternal principle of unity, meaning, and harmony in the universe
Taoism  One of the great philosophical traditions in China, according to which the individual will find peace and tranquility through quietly following the Tao, G–8
Teleological explanation  An explanation of a thing in terms of its ends, goals, purposes, or functions
Ten Tropes  A collection of ten arguments by the Skeptic against the possibility of knowledge
Theodicy  A defense of God's goodness and omnipotence in view of apparent evil
Theoretical posits  Entities whose existence we hypothesize to explain our sensory experience
Theory of Forms  Plato's central metaphysical concept
Third Man argument  Aristotle's criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms, according to which there must be a third thing that ties together a Form with the particular things that exemplify it
Thought  According to Descartes, the essential attribute of mind
Thought experiment  Imagining a situation in order to extract a lesson of philosophical importance
Total skeptic  One who maintains nothing can be known or, alternatively, suspends judgment in all matters
Transcendental phenomenology  An epistemological method that seeks the certainty of a pure consciousness of objects in the transcendental ego
Translatability thesis  The idea that, in theory, statements about the world could all be translated into statements that refer to immediate sensory experience
Übermensch  In the philosophy of Nietzsche, the "Superman" who escapes the triviality of society by embracing the will to power and rejecting the slave mentality that permeates society and dominates religion
Universal phenomenology of consciousness  Attempts made by Hegel and Husserl to devise a pure science of knowing
Universal  That which is denoted by a general word, a word (such as "chair") that applies to more than a single thing
Universalistic ethical hedonism  The doctrine that one ought to seek, over everything else, the greatest pleasure for the greatest number of people
Utilitarianism  The doctrine that the rightness of an action is identical with the happiness it produces as its consequence
Value judgment  A proposition that explicitly or implicitly assigns a value to something
Veil of ignorance  In Indian philosophy, the perspective from which the world is viewed as a multiplicity of things; in John Rawls's philosophy, the metaphor for the conditions under which rational individuals are to select the principles of justice that govern the well-ordered society
Verifiability criterion (theory)
of meaning
The dictum that a sentence must express something verifiable if it is to express an empirically meaningful statement
Vienna Circle  A group of philosophers and scientists centered at the University of Vienna in the 1920s and 1930s who espoused logical positivism
Virtue ethics  Ethical theories according to which what I ought to do is what the virtuous person would do; for virtue ethics, the primary question is, What kind of person ought I to be?
Zen Buddhism  A form of Buddhism that reached its zenith in China and later developed in Japan, Korea, and the West; its name (Chinese Ch'an Japanese Zen) derives from Sanskrit Dhyana (meditation). In early China the central tenet of Zen Buddhism was meditation rather than adherence to a particular scripture

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