|  Consumers Eric Arnould,
University of Nebraska George Zinkhan,
University of Georgia Linda Price,
University of Nebraska
Why Do People Buy? Needs, Motivations and Involvement
Chapter OutlineLearning Objectives Vignette - Chapter Overview
- Classic Theories of Motivation
- Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
- Overview of Freud's theory
- Implications of Freud's Theory for Marketing
- Jung's Psychoanalytic Theory
- Overview of Jung's Theory
- Implications of Jung's Theory for Marketing
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Overview of Maslow's theory
- Implications of Maslow's Theory for Marketing
- Murray's Theory of Motivation
- Overview of Murray's Theory of Motivation
- Implications of Murray's Theory for Marketing
- A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Motivation
- How the Brain, Mind, and Motivation are Linked
- How Motivation and Culture are Linked
- Five Motives in Cultural Perspective
- Need for Achievement
- Need for Power
- Need for Uniqueness
- Need for Affiliation
- Self-Esteem Needs
- Needs Related to the Shopping Process
- Deal Proneness: Winning at the game of Shopping
- Shopping as Self-Sacrifice
- Consumer Involvement
- Types and Characteristics of Consumer Involvement
- Marketing Implications of Different Levels of Involvement
- High involvement purchase and consumption
- Low involvement purchase and consumption
- Low involvement marketing strategies
- Involvement as a segmentation variable
- Researching Motives
- Means End Chain and Laddering
- Measuring involvement
- Chapter Summary