Responding to Art
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Responding to Art: Form, Content, and Context

Robert Bersson, James Madison University

ISBN: 069725819x
Copyright year: 2004


Responding to Art: Form, Content, and Context is specifically designed to excite and interest students who have minimal knowledge of art and limited confidence in responding to it. To this end, the book starts at the students' introductory level and sets out to stimulate their interest and active participation. From the onset, Responding to Art integrates art and design forms that the students are already familiar with and have some interest in, including CD covers, magazine advertisements, fashion styles, websites, crafts, product design, and folk art. In addition, the book engages students and builds their confidence by incorporating into the opening chapter responses to art by introductory-level students like themselves. This sends an immediate message to the students that their own thoughts and feelings are valid, valued, and diverse. With expanded interest, confidence, and knowledge, students are prepared for more challenging art forms, information, and concepts.

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