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Chapter 10 Learning Objectives
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The highly social and comprehensive art of architecture, in its styles and construction methods, embodies the deepest values of the culture and society that produced it.
Emphasizing rational order, simple geometric forms, harmonization of parts, and emotional restraint, the classical style arose in ancient Greece and Rome and continues in many variations to the present.
Emphasizing verticality, upward-striving forms, variety and compexity, the Gothic arose during the Middle Ages and continues in many variations to the present.
Emphasizing streamlined geometric forms, an abstract "machine aesthetic," and the utilitarian principle of "form follows function," the modern style is a product of the Industrial Revolution and dominated twentieth-century architecture.
Emphasizing historical decoration, symbolism, and sensitivity to the surrounding built and natural environment, the post-modern style arose in the last decades of the twentieth century as a reaction to and rival of the modern.

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