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Chapter 12 Fill in the Blank Quiz
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The creator of the amphora ceramic vessel showing Achilles killing Penthesilea is .

The famous sculptor who created the Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) is .

The Alexander the Great coin issued about 300 B.C.E. is from the Period.

The Aulus Metellus statue of an orator is from the Period.

The Tomb of the Leopards and the sarcophagus lid of a husband and wife are products of the civilization.

The naturalistic wall painting detail of a woman with a stylus and the ruins of the gridded city of Timgad in Algeria are creations of the civilization.

The chapter discusses the Egyptian Old Kingdom in metaphorical terms as a social and cultural .

The conquerors of Egypt between 1670 and 1552 B.C.E. who introduced advanced methods of bronze making, a vertical loom for weaving, and an improved potter's wheel were the .

During the New Kingdom, Egypt had intercultural and artistic interchange with both Aegean civilization and the African civilization of .

The female pharaoh featured in this chapter is .

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