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Chapter 18 Fill in the Blank Quiz
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As an artist, teacher, and mentor, was a leader of the independent American realist movement.

Originally a newspaper illustrator, is painter of McSorley's Bar and became an important teacher and leader of independent exhibitions.

Growing up in Harlem during the Depression, the art of merged realism and abstraction in paintings like Tombstones and Cabinet Makers.

With a broad background of international study, this artist employed collage and mixed media to evoke rural and urban African-American life.

Held in 1913 in New York, Boston, and Chicago, the controversial, well-attended International Exhibition of Modern Art is popularly known as the Show.

The movement emerged out of a synthesis of cubism and abstract surrealism.

The approach to abstract expressionism that centers on the work of art as an event, act, or encounter is called gesture or painting.

The approach to abstract expressionism that features broad areas of color on very large canvases is called painting.

The critic who passionately advocated post-painterly abstraction is .

Two of the leaders of minimalist art in the early and mid-1960s are the painter Stella and the sculptor .

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