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Testing for Relationships
Keyton: Communication Research

Chapter Checklists

As a consumer of research, you should be able to

  1. Explain the difference between tests of differences and tests of relationships
  2. Use the four analytical steps to interpret written research findings
  3. Identify whether the appropriate test of relationship is used with research questions and hypotheses
  4. Apart from the researcher's written presentation, independently interpret research findings

As a researcher, you should be able to

  1. Understand the difference between tests of differences and tests of relationships
  2. Know which assumptions of inferential statistics your research project meets and which assumptions it does not meet
  3. Use the four analytical steps to interpret research findings
  4. Develop a hypothesis or research question and select the appropriate statistical test of relationship
  5. Select the appropriate variables to be tested based upon previous scholarship
  6. Differentiate among the assumptions and functions of correlation and regression
  7. Use a spreadsheet or statistical software program to calculate tests of relationships
  8. Resist overstating the findings of a test of correlation or regression in the interpretation of the results
  9. Ask for statistical help when you need it