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Qualitative Methods
Keyton: Communication Research

Chapter Checklists

As a consumer, you should be able to

  1. Distinguish among the various forms of qualitative research methods
  2. Identify the basic steps or process the researcher used to collect data
  3. Evaluate the method used for its ability to collect data that are valid, reliable, and credible
  4. Identify and assess the arguments the researcher uses to support his or her methodological choices

As a researcher, you should be able to

  1. Distinguish among the variety of methods for collecting qualitative data
  2. Select the most appropriate qualitative research method
  3. Conceptualize and plan for a field interview
  4. Use open questions in conducting a field interview
  5. Analyze transcripts from field interviews
  6. Describe why a focus group study would meet the research objective
  7. Conceptualize and plan for a focus group
  8. Find and select appropriate focus group participants
  9. Develop a focus group outline
  10. Conduct a focus group
  11. Analyze transcripts from a focus group
  12. Explain why collecting and analyzing narratives can be an effective qualitative research method
  13. Identify several ways to collect narratives
  14. Analyze narratives for themes
  15. Describe the benefits of ethnographic research
  16. Explain the researcher's role in ethnography