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Introduction to Quantitative Research
Keyton: Communication Research

Chapter Checklists

As both a consumer of research and a researcher, you should be able to

  1. Describe quantitative research and its assumptions
  2. Identify examples of quantitative research
  3. Explain analytic deduction
  4. Explain the five-component model for quantitative research
  5. Explain the role of hypotheses in quantitative research
  6. Assess the effectiveness of hypotheses in quantitative research
  7. Explain why research questions are used in quantitative research
  8. Distinguish among concepts, conceptual schemes, constructs, variables, and operationalizations
  9. Identify independent and dependent variables in hypotheses
  10. Explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables in hypotheses
  11. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research
  12. Describe issues of reliability and validity that must be addressed in quantitative research