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Philosophy: The Power of Ideas
Philosophy: The Power of Ideas, 5/e
Brooke Moore
Kenneth Bruder

Philosophy and Belief in God

Multiple Choice


What did Anselm believe about proving God's existence?
A)You could do it using just the concept of God as the greatest being conceivable.
B)God's existence follows from his definition in just the way that the existence of the most perfect island follows from its definition.
C)If you want to prove God's existence, you must first look at how the world is.
D)The existence of God can only be known by mystical experience.

St. Thomas Aquinas's first three ways are all versions of which sort of argument?

How did mystical experience compare with reason as a source of knowledge about God, according to Julian of Norwich?
A)It is a better source than reason.
B)It is as valid a source of knowledge as reason is.
C)It is a worse source than reason.
D)It is not a source of knowledge at all.

Given his epistemological standards, what characteristic must all of Descartes arguments for God possess?
A)They must be based on sensory experience.
B)They must be capable of being doubted.
C)They must yield conclusions that are absolutely certain.
D)They must assume that there is an evil demon.

According to Leibniz, what is the sufficient reason for the changing of the seasons?
A)The earth's direction of rotation.
B)The angle at which the earth's axis is tilted relative to the sun.

Given his epistemological standards, what characteristic would Hume insist that any argument for God possess?
A)It must be based on sensory experience.
B)It must assume the existence of genuine cause/effect relationships.
C)It must yield conclusions that are absolutely certain.
D)It must be based on miracles and mystical experience.

Why didn't Immanuel Kant think that existence is a property or characteristic of a thing?
A)Ah, but he did!
B)The existence of a thing is not the same as its essence.
C)In order for existence to be a property, it would have to be something physical, which it isn't.
D)A characteristic always adds something to the concept of a thing, but existence does not do this.

What kind of an argument did Kant use to justify the rationality of belief in God?

What is truth, for Soren Kierkegaard?
A)What you believe if it is objectively certain.
B)How you live if it is with passionate commitment.
C)Where you end up if you keep using the dialectical method.
D)What you are if you are a virtuous person.

What would Mary Daly say about the image of God the Father?
A)It is an image that appropriately expresses the power and awe of god.
B)It is an image that needs to be replaced with the image of God the Mother.
C)It perpetuates the polarization of human qualities built into the traditional sexual stereotypes.
D)It is an image that only has negative effects among less sophisticated thinkers.