|  Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction To Tests and Measurement, 5/e Ronald Jay Cohen Mark Swerdlik
Neuropsychological Assessment
Chapter Outline
The Nervous System and Behavior Neurological Damage and the Concept of Organicity |
 |  |  | The Neuropsychological Examination The History The Neuropsychological Mental Status Examination The Physical Examination |
 |  |  | Tools of Neuropsychological Assessment Interviews and Rating Scales Case Histories and Case Studies Tests Tests of general intellectual ability Tests of verbal functioning Tests of memory Tests of perceptual, motor, and perceptual-motor functions Other Tools of Neuropsychological Assessment |
 |  |  | Neuropsychological Test Batteries The Flexible Battery The Fixed Battery Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery Other fixed neuropsychological batteries |
 |  |  | CLOSE-UP Fixed Versus Flexible Neuropsychological Test Batteries and the Law |
 |  |  | EVERYDAY PSYCHOMETRICS Medical Diagnostic Aids and Neuropsychological Assessment |