Choose the best answer to each question based on material presented in Psychological Testing and Assessment, 5th Edition by Ronald Cohen and Mark Swerdlik.
These questions only sample material from the chapter; there is much more to know than sampled here.
1 |  |  By this age, students' interests are sufficiently solidified so as to be useful in course and career planning. |
|  | A) | 15 years old |
|  | B) | 12 years old |
|  | C) | 9 years old |
|  | D) | 6 years old |
2 |  |  Edward Strong's approach to test construction as exemplified by the Strong Vocational Interest Blank could best be described as |
|  | A) | theory-based. |
|  | B) | deductive. |
|  | C) | empirical. |
|  | D) | projective. |
3 |  |  A study by Bizot and Goldman suggested that |
|  | A) | people are interested in things that they do well. |
|  | B) | people develop abilities in areas that interest them. |
|  | C) | interest tests did not job performance or satisfaction. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
4 |  |  Which is a general measure of ability used in occupational settings? |
|  | A) | The O'Connor Tweezer Dexterity Test |
|  | B) | The Wonderlic Personnel Test |
|  | C) | The Self-Directed Search |
|  | D) | The Career Decision Scale |
5 |  |  For test scoring, interpretation, and recommendations, The General Aptitude Test Battery currently employs |
|  | A) | ultiple cutoffs. |
|  | B) | race norming. |
|  | C) | assessment centers. |
|  | D) | validity generalization. |
6 |  |  If you were going to use a personaltiy test to help match a particular person to a particular task or occupation, which of the following tests would you probably employ? |
|  | A) | The Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills |
|  | B) | The Goal Instability Scale |
|  | C) | The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator |
|  | D) | The Organizational Commitment Questionnaire |
7 |  |  Compelling employees to undergo a pre-employment honesty test |
|  | A) | may paradoxically promote employee theft. |
|  | B) | is clearly a discriminatory employer practice. |
|  | C) | is warranted only if there is polygraph data to support it. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
8 |  |  Which is NOT a test a counselor might typically administer to a client contemplating retirement? |
|  | A) | The Goal Instability Scale |
|  | B) | The LIfe Satisfaction Index A |
|  | C) | The Interpersonal Support Evaluations List |
|  | D) | The Cross-Cultural Adaptility Inventory |
9 |  |  The term "placement" refers to |
|  | A) | acceptance or rejection for a position. |
|  | B) | a superficial process of evaluation based on minimal standards. |
|  | C) | a disposition, transfer or assignment to a group or category. |
|  | D) | a rating or categorization based on two or more criteria. |
10 |  |  Winston documented how letters of recommendation could be used |
|  | A) | in the preliminary screening of Navy Seals. |
|  | B) | to perpetuate racial and ethnic stereotypes. |
|  | C) | in the hiring of waterbed sales staff in California. |
|  | D) | to reduce the effect of cultural biases in hiring. |
11 |  |  The Seashore Bennett Stenographic Proficiency Test is an example of an instrument that |
|  | A) | is widely viewed by employers and others as a performance test. |
|  | B) | is widely viewed by employers and other as an achievement test. |
|  | C) | is widely viewed by employers and others as an aptitude test. |
|  | D) | may be viewed as a performance, achievement, or aptitude test. |
12 |  |  The Immunoassay Test |
|  | A) | used to test for the AIDS virus, has been criticized as discriminatory. |
|  | B) | used to test for drugs, has been criticized as being nonspecific. |
|  | C) | is an innovative physical test designed to measure job satisfaction. |
|  | D) | is used only when bioterrorism in the workplace is suspected. |
13 |  |  A trend away from preferential treatment for members of specific groups as a function of test scores is evident by |
|  | A) | the Civil Rights Act of 1991. |
|  | B) | Proposition 209 in California. |
|  | C) | the federal court ruling in Hopwood v. State of Texas. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
14 |  |  The critical incidents technique involves recording of behavior by |
|  | A) | a series of stationary videocameras. |
|  | B) | supervisors in the work place. |
|  | C) | employees in the work place. |
|  | D) | postal inspectors with over 10 years of experience. |
15 |  |  Cohen's instrument, "The Discussion of Organizational Culture," was designed |
|  | A) | to assist corporations and other organizations in self-examination |
|  | B) | to survey impressions regarding various aspects of the work environment. |
|  | C) | to provide diagnostic insights for improvement of an organization's culture. |
|  | D) | all of the above |