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Psychological Testing and Assessment Book Cover
Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction To Tests and Measurement, 5/e
Ronald Jay Cohen
Mark Swerdlik

Norms, Correlation, and Inference

Multiple Choice Quiz

Choose the best answer to each question based on material presented in Psychological Testing and Assessment, 5th Edition by Ronald Cohen and Mark Swerdlik. These questions only sample material from the chapter; there is much more to know than sampled here.


On the PBS series "This Old House," Norm is the name of the master carpenter. In psychology, "norm" is used to refer to
A)behavior that is usual, average, normal or expected.
B)a level of work product anticipated under specific conditions.
C)what is typical at a particular age in a particular context.
D)all of the above.

In its plural form, "norms" is a term used in psychometrics to refer to the test performance data of
A)people tested at a different time than another group of test takers.
B)test takers who constitute a control group in an experiment.
C)a particular group of test takers to be used for comparison.
D)a sample of people with no prior training in the tested area.

The term "norming" refers to the process of
A)interpreting and re-interpreting norms.
B)deriving or generating norms.
C)distributing norms to members of target populations.
D)putting a carpenter's personal signature on a work product.

A raw score of 0 on a test alerts the test user to the possibility that the test taker
A)probably was unprepared for the examination or did not care about it.
B)may not have understood or been able to carry out the directions.
C)had previously obtained a copy of the test and studied it carefully.
D)all of the above.

Race norming is the controversial practice of norming
A)by computer as rapidly as possible.
B)intelligence test scores as a function of ethnic background.
C)GM Test Track scores on the basis of NASCAR rankings.
D)on the basis of race or ethnic background.

Cut scores
A)can be derived in only one of three different ways.
B)are numerical reference points used to classify.
C)are objective in nature, minimizing subjectivity.
D)all of the above.

According to research by Medvec and her colleagues, bronze medallists in the Olympic games are likely to be
A)happier with their performance than silver medallists.
B)happier with their performance than gold medallists.
C)emotionally devastated about not winning the gold.
D)thinking about how they can improve their performance.

In the context of norming a test, a sample of the population refers to
A)people deemed to be representative of the whole population.
B)people deemed to be atypical of the whole population.
C)a mixture of people who are both representative and atypical.
D)a randomly selected group of people who share a characteristic.

An incidental sample
A)is also known as a convenience sample.
B)is composed of people exposed to the same incident.
C)is purposive in nature.
D)all of the above.

In a bygone era, age norms were
A)used as a first step in establishing national anchor norms.
B)designed to help estimate average grade-level performance.
C)associated with the now out of favor concept of mental age.
D)all of the above.

Tests such as the SAT and the GRE employ these to help bring meaning to test takers' test scores. They are
A)criterion-referenced interpretation systems.
B)incidental samples.
C)race norming procedures.
D)fixed reference group scoring systems.

Criterion-referenced tests
A)have also been referred to as domain-referenced tests.
B)have also been referred to as content-referenced tests.
C)have criteria derived from the standards of the test developer.
D)all of the above.

A coefficient of correlation is an index of the
A)degree to which one variable influences another.
B)strength of the relationship between two things.
C)way in which one event may cause another event.
D)all of the above.

The most widely used measure of correlation is
A)the Pearson r.
B)Spearman's rho.
C)the rank-difference correlation coefficient.
D)the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula.

The primary use of a regression equation in testing and assessment is to
A)convert one score or variable to another.
B)transform scores derived in a different cultural context.
C)fix certain scores as an anchor for future scores.
D)predict one score or variable from another.