The Human Species
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Table of Contents

Human Species: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology, 5/e

John H. Relethford, SUNY College at Oneonta

ISBN: 0767430220
Copyright year: 2002

Table of Contents

PART I: Evolutionary Background

1. Biological Anthropology and Evolution
What is Anthropology?
Science and Evolution
Special Topic: Biological Anthropologists at Work

2. Human Genetics
Molecular Genetics
Mendelian Genetics
Genetics and Behavior
Special Topic: PCR and Ancient DNA

3. Evolutionary Forces
Population Genetics
Evolutionary Forces
Special Topic: Tay-Sachs Disease: Genetic Drift or Natural Selection?

4. The Origin and Evolution of Species
The Birth and Death of Species
Misconceptions about Evolution
A Brief History of Life
Special Topic: Science Fiction and Orthogenesis

PART II: Human Biological Variation

5. The Study of Human Variation
Measuring Human Variation
The Racial Approach to Variation
The Evolutionary Approach to Variation
Special Topic: Genetics, Race, and IQ

6. Microevolution in Human Populations
Case Studies of Gene Flow and Genetic Drift
Case Studies of Natural Selection
Special Topic: The Biological History of the Ancient Egyptians

7. Human Adaptation
Types of Adaptation
Climate and Human Adaptation
High-Altitude Adaptation
Nutritional Adaptation
Special Topic: The “Small but Healthy” Hypothesis and the Cost of Adaptation

PART III: Our Place in Nature

8. Primates in Nature
Taxonomic Classification
Characteristics of Mammals
Primate Characteristics
Models of Primate Behavior
Special Topic: What Will Happen to the Primates?

9. The Biology and Behavior of the Living Primates
Primate Suborders
The Monkeys
The Hominoids
The Living Apes
Special Topic: Social Structure and Testes Size in Primates

10. The Human Species
Characteristics of Living Humans
The Human Life Cycle
Is Human Behavior Unique?
Special Topic: Should Infants Sleep with their Parents? An Evolutionary View

11. Primate Origins and Evolution
The Study of the Fossil Record
Early Primate Evolution
Evolution of the Miocene Hominoids
Special Topic: The Giant Ape

12. Hominid Origins
Overview of Human Evolution
The First Hominids
Evolutionary Trends
Special Topic: The Piltdown Hoax

13. The Origin and Evolution of the Genus Homo
The Origin of the Genus Homo
Archaic Humans
Special Topic: Neandertals: Names and Images

14. The Origin of Modern Humans
Anatomically Modern Homo sapiens
The Origin of Anatomically Modern Humans
Recent Biological and Cultural Evolution in Homo sapiens
Special Topic: The Iceman

15. Human Biology and Culture Change
The Biological Impact of Agriculture
The Biological Impact of Civilization
Recent Changes
Special Topic: The Baby Boom

Epilogue: The Future of Our Species
Appendix 1: Mathematical Population Genetics
Appendix 2: Classification of Living Primates
Appendix 3: Conversion Factors
Appendix 4: Comparative Primate Skeletal Anatomy

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