Planning for Social Changes (p. 327 in your text) Internet Activity 14-1 Retirement Planning Tools Adapting to Physical Changes (p. 327 in your text) Internet Activity 14-2 Physical Challenges of Aging(WW) Identify strategies for preventing and coping with a wellness-related physical
challenge of aging such as arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, or glaucoma.
Making a Will (p. 335 in your text) Internet Activity 14-3 Preparing a Will Completing an Advance Directive (p. 338 in your text) Internet Activity 14-4 Advance Directives Becoming an Organ Donor (p. 339 in your text) Internet Activity 14-5 Organ Donation Explore resources related to organ donation and consider filling out an organ
donor card. (WW) indicates an activity that is also found in the Wellness Worksheets.