Sexual Problems (p. 84 in your text) Internet Activity 5-1 Online Sexual Disorders Screening (WW) Review a sexual disorders screening test, and assess the pros and cons of anonymous
online screening for sensitive areas of health.
Sexual Behavior (p. 85 in your text) Internet Activity 5-2 Online Information About Sexual Behavior Conception (p. 88 in your text) Internet Activity 5-3 Family Health History Construct a family health tree to determine what diseases and conditions run
in your family and what types of screening tests and lifestyle changes might
be appropriate for you.
The Importance of Prenatal Care (p. 93 in your text) Internet Activity 5-4 Folic Acid Quiz Find out more about the link between folic acid and neural tube defects. (WW) indicates an activity that is also found in the Wellness Worksheets.