|  Contemporary's GED Social Studies Kenneth Tamarkin Jeri W. Bayer
Web LinksUse the following links as resources in your social studies classes. If you would like to contribute additional sites to this list or to the Web Links sections in the Student Center, please send the name of the link, the URL, and a brief description of the site to mhceditorial@mcgraw-hill.com.
American Experience
As television's longest-running, most-watched history series, PBS’s American Experience brings to life the incredible characters and epic stories that helped form this nation. This site complements the viewing experience by encouraging in-depth exploration of the issues surrounding each documentary subject beyond the television screen. It is NOT necessary to see the TV episodes in order to benefit from the site. |
 |  |  | AOL@School
This site contains a variety of useful resources for teachers and students. |
 |  |  | Blue Web’n
Blue Web'n is an online library of 1,200+ outstanding Internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (lessons, activities, projects, resources, references, and tools). You can search by grade level (Refined Search), broad subject area (Content Areas), or specific sub-categories (Subject Area). |
 |  |  | Civic Participation and Community Action Sourcebook
This sourcebook aims to reflect the many dimensions of civic and community involvement framed in the Equipped for the Future (EFF) Citizen/Community member role map. It presents a range of tools that can help teachers and students examine their own beliefs about community, citizenship, democracy, and so on. It also provides advice on how to identify and analyze issues that concern students and how to build skills and strategies to take informed action. |
 |  |  | CongressLink
CongressLink provides information about the U.S. Congress—how it works, its members and leaders, and the public policies it produces. The site also hosts lesson plans and reference and historical materials related to congressional topics. |
 |  |  | Global Issues on the UN Agenda
This site contains a wealth of materials, including graphs and charts, on a vast range of social issues. |
 |  |  | History and Historiography
This site contains links to a fascinating assortment of documents and articles on topics ranging across history. |
 |  |  | History Matters
This site provides a wealth of source material, suggestions for teachers, and links to other sites on the Web dealing with aspects of American History. |
 |  |  | Hot Potatoes Half-baked Software
The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is NOT freeware, but it is free of charge for non-profit educational users who make their pages available on the Web. |
 |  |  | Learning Resources
The Learning Resources site offers web-delivered instruction using current and past CNN San Francisco bureau news stories. |
 |  |  | LINCS Hot Sites
This page highlights outstanding adult education and literacy-related sites on the Web. |
 |  |  | The Literacy List
This page contains an extensive list of web resources recommended by adult education practitioners. |
 |  |  | Map Collections: 1500–1999
This site contains a variety of maps available from the Library of Congress for online viewing. It includes the capability to zoom in on portions of a map. |
 |  |  | Microsoft Encarta Online
Provides access to articles and multimedia items from Microsoft’s Encarta Encyclopedia, as well as links to other Web sites. |
 |  |  | National Geographic Online
The site from the National Geographic Society has a wealth of intriguing articles, pictures, and maps. |
 |  |  | U.S. News Classroom
This site contains a lesson plan library, resource kits, interactive activities, and a teacher network. Teaching kits are designed to explore topics through compelling reading selections and accompanying activities. Titles include The Balkans, East Meets West: China in the 21st Century, and Immigration. |