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Quiz 2
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The component of aggregate demand most affected by monetary policy is net exports.
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Suppose the interest rate is currently 4% and the Fed determines that investment of $20 is required to reach full employment GDP. To target this outcome, the Fed might:
A)sell bonds to the public
B)lower the discount rate
C)lower the reserve requirement
D)announce an expansionary monetary policy
The discount rate is:
A)determined by the supply of and demand for interbank overnight loans
B)the rate commercial banks charge to their best customers
C)set by the Fed
D)the lowest rate available to prospective homeowners for mortgage loans
The transactions demand for money varies inversely with the interest rate whereas the asset demand varies directly with the interest rate.
Suppose the economy is in a recession and is running a trade deficit. Fed purchases of bonds from the public will likely:
A)expand the economy and reduce the trade deficit
B)expand the economy but worsen the trade deficit
C)contract the economy further but reduce the trade deficit
D)contract the economy and worsen the trade deficit
Which of the following will cause the aggregate demand curve to shift to the left?
A)a reduction in interest rates
B)an expansionary monetary policy
C)a reduction in the reserve requirement
D)Fed sales of bonds to the public
Two primary assets of the Federal Reserve Banks are:
A)Securities and Federal Reserve notes outstanding
B)Securities and Treasury deposits
C)Federal Reserve notes outstanding and reserves of commercial banks
D)Securities and loans to commercial banks
The Fed does not pay interest on bank reserves. Consequently:
A)the Fed rarely uses changes in open market operations to conduct monetary policy
B)an expansionary monetary policy is more effective in achieving its goals than a restrictive monetary policy
C)banks and thrifts hold only small amounts of excess reserves
D)the Fed rarely uses changes in the discount rate to conduct monetary policy
An increase in the money supply will:
A)reduce interest rates, increasing investment and GDP
B)reduce interest rates, reducing investment and GDP
C)raise interest rates, reducing investment and GDP
D)raise interest rates, increasing investment and lowering GDP
Fed sales of bonds to the public will cause:
A)investment to increase
B)aggregate demand to shift to the left
C)an increase in the money supply
D)lower interest rates

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