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Avoidance  Finding ways to minimize the number of items that are returned.
Bullwhip effect  Inventory oscillations become progressively larger looking backward through the supply chain.
Centralized purchasing  Purchasing is handled by one special department.
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR)  A supply chain initiative that focuses on information sharing among supply chain trading partners in planning, forecasting, and inventory replenishment.
Cross-docking  A technique whereby goods arriving at a warehouse from a supplier are unloaded from the supplier’s truck and loaded onto outbound trucks, thereby avoiding warehouse storage.
Decentralized purchasing  Individual departments or separate locations handle their own purchasing requirements.
Delayed differentiation  Production of standard components and subassemblies, which are held until late in the process to add differentiating features.
delay differentiation  Production of standard components and subassemlies, which are held until late in the process to add differentiating features.
disintermediation  Reducing one or more steps in a supply chain by cutting out one or more intermediaries.
distribution requirements planning (DRP)  A system for inventory manaement and distribution planning.
e-business  The use of electronic technology to facilitate business transactions.
event management  The ability to detect and respond to unplanned events.
fill rate  The percentage of demand filled from stock on hand.
gatekeeping  Screening returned goods to prevent incorrect acceptance of goods.
information velocity  The speed at which information is communicated in a supply chain.
inventory velocity  The speed at which goods move through a supply chain.
logistics  The movement of materials, services, cash, and information in a supply chain.
outsourcing  Buying goods or services instead of producing or providing them in-house.
purchasing cycle  Series of steps that begin with a request for purchase and end with notification of shipment received in satisfactory condition.
reverse logistics  The process of transporting returned items.
radio frequency identification (RFID)  A technology that uses radio waves to identify objects, such as goods in supply chains.
strategic partnering  Analyzing the procurement process to lower costs by reducing waste and nonvalue-added activities, increase profits, reduce risks, and improve supplier performance.
supply chain  A sequence of organizations—their facilities, functions, and activities—that are involved in producing and delivering a product or service.
supply chain management  The strategic coordination of the supply chain for the purpose of integrating supply and demand management.
supply chain visibility  A major trading partner can connect to its supply chain to access data in real time.
third-party logistics (3-PL)  The outsourcing of logistics management.
traffic management  Overseeing the shipment of incoming and outgoing goods.
Vendor analysis  Evaluating the sources of supply in terms of price, quality, reputation, and service.
vendor-managed inventory (VMI)  Vendors monitor goods and replenish retail inventories when supplies are low.

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