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aggregate planning  Intermediate-range capacity planning, usually covering 2 to 12 months.
available-to-promise (ATP) inventory  Uncommitted inventory.
chase demand strategy  Matching capacity to demand; the planned output for a period is set at the expected demand for that period.
level capacity strategy  Maintaining a steady rate of regular-time output while meeting variations in demand by a combination of options.
master production schedule (MPS)  This schedule indicates the quantity and timing of planned completed production.
master schedule  Shows quantity and timing of specific end items for a scheduled horizon.
rough-cut capacity planning (RCCP)  Approximate balancing of capacity and demand to test the feasibility of a master schedule.
simulation models  Computerized models that can be tested under different scenarios to identify acceptable solutions to problems.
time fences  Points in time that separate phases of a master schedule planning horizon.
yield management  The application of pricing strategies to allocate capacity among various categories of demand.

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