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bounded rationality  The limitations on decision making caused by costs, human abilities, time, technology, and availability of information.
certainty  Environment in which relevant parameters have known values.
decision tree  A schematic representation of the available alternatives and their possible consequences.
expected monetary value (EMV) criterion  The best expected value among the alternatives.
expected value of perfect information (EVPI)  The difference between the expected payoff with perfect information and the expected payoff under risk
Laplace  Choose the alternative with the best average payoff of any of the alternatives.
maximax  Choose the alternative with the best possible payoff.
maximin  Choose the alternative with the best of the worst possible payoffs.
minimax regret  Choose the alternative that has the least of the worst regrets.
payoff table  Table showing the expected payoffs for each alternative in every possible state of nature.
regret (opportunity loss)  The difference between a given payoff and the best payoff for a state of nature.
risk  Environment in which certain future events have probable outcomes.
sensitivity analysis  Determining the range of probability for which an alternative has the best expected payoff.
suboptimization  The result of different departments each attempting to reach a solution that is optimum for that department.
uncertainty  Environment in which it is impossible to assess the likelihood of various future events.

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