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Principles of Economics, Asia Global Edition

Robert H. Frank, Cornell University
Ben S. Bernanke, Princeton University (formerly)
Hon-Kwong Lui, Lingnan University

ISBN: 1259011844
Copyright year: 2015

New to this Edition

In Asia and many parts of the world, students taking introductory economics usually read principles of economics textbooks written by American professors. Naturally, these professors used cases and examples that their students are most familiar with to illustrate core economics concepts. In general, Asian readers have little knowledge about American cases and examples, which in turn hinders their ability to apprehend the applications of core economics principles to real life examples. For example, baseball is a popular sport in North America but not so in Asia. While Americans often eat pizza, Asians do not have a strong preference for pizza. However, as the United States is one of the most important economic powers in the world, it is instrumental for all economics students, Americans and Asians alike, to understand its market structure and financial system. Moreover, famous U.S. television programs are broadcasted through television stations around the world with or without translation.

With the advancement in information technology and the high penetration of smartphone with internet access, people around the world are becoming closer to one another. Local news may spread across the globe within hours and a trendy product originated from a city may become a worldwide hit in weeks. For example, pearl milk tea, which used to be a popular local drink in Taiwan, is widely available in many parts of the world today. Therefore, students taking introductory economics in any country should take a global perspective and can benefit from studying real life examples selected from different parts of the globe.

Cases and examples included in this book are carefully selected to arouse the interest of target readers. All products and services discussed, such as donuts and smartphones, are familiar to youngsters worldwide. Celebrities chosen to illustrate core concepts, such as Lebron James, are household names around the world. Although this book is targeted at economics students in Asia, it is also equally appealing to youngsters around the globe. In short, Principles of Economics: Asia Global Edition, 1/e provides students with a lens through which to view, understand, and analyze current economic scenarios by eliminating overwhelming detail. It makes extensive use of examples from Asia and North America to explain the Seven Core Principles.

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