Lincoln Technical College - Bio 101/102 Medical Assisting Resources, 2/e
David M. Allan, MA, MD Karen D. Lockyer, BS, RHIT, CPC
ISBN: 1259232786 Copyright year: 2012
Instructor Online Learning Center (OLC)
At, you will find the Instructor Online Learning Center. Your McGraw-Hill sales representative can provide you with the access you need to easily prepare for using Essentials of Medical Language, 2e. Our Online Learning Centers include:
The Instructors’ Manual, which contains valuable information that makes course prep a snap!
Your Medical Terminology Course—An Introduction to Teaching Medical Terminology. This valuable section includes information about student learning styles and instructor strategies; innovative learning activities; assessment techniques and strategies; classroom management tips; and techniques for teaching limited-English-proficiency students.
Lesson Planning Guide. Our Lesson Planning Guide comes complete with a customizable lesson plan for each of the lessons in this text. Each plan contains a step-by-step 50-minute teaching plan and master copies of handouts. Use these lessons alone or combined to accommodate different class schedules—you can even revise them to reflect your preferred topic or sequence. Each lesson plan is designed to be used with a corresponding PowerPoint® presentation that is also available on the OLC.
PowerPoint® Lecture Outlines. The PowerPoint lectures with speaking notes correlate to the Lesson Plans mentioned above and include the art and photos from the text. Covering the most important parts of every lesson, the slides are customizable to fit your course needs.
McGraw-Hill’s EZ-Test Generator, which makes creating tests easy!
This flexible electronic testing program allows instructors to create tests correlated to every chapter and learning outcome. Accommodating a variety of question types tied to Bloom’s taxonomy, EZ-Test allows instructors to create multiple versions of the tests and then export to a course management system, such as Blackboard. EZ-Test Online gives you a place online to quickly and easily administer the exams you create.
For the Student
Available at, the OLC offers an extensive array of learning and teaching tools.
The site includes quizzes for each chapter, links to websites, and interactive activities. Students also will be able to access chapter-specific interactive exercises via McGraw-Hill Connect. These exercises provide multiple opportunities for practice and the mastery of core concepts. The exercises are designed to
Help students learn medical terms, including their definitions, roots, prefixes, and suffixes, plus accurate spelling.
Help students understand the meaning and use of medical terms.
Help students learn how and when to correctly apply medical terms in written and verbal communication.