Review Questions are included for each chapter for study purposes, many of the answers are found in the textbook. If your professor has asked you to email your answers to them, you can use the submit button below.
What are the three basic frameworks of spatial processing and how are they different?
How is a complex spatial task, such as drawing, impaired by damage to the right hemisphere? Left hemisphere?
Explain the two pathway hypothesis. Where are these two paths? How are they dissociable?
How is the role of the hippocampus studied in spatial processing? How can one argue that the lesion studies are confounded?
What is the behavioral experience of an individual with a neglect syndrome?
If an individual was able to dream in color, then acquired achromatopsia after a stroke or accident, would he still be able to dream in color? Why or why not?
Why is frontal lobe dysfunction mistaken for poor spatial task performance? Are spatial tasks the only tasks that demonstrate frontal lobe dysfunction?