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Computer Science Catalog

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Transmisión de Datos y Redes de Comunicaciones, 4/e

Behrouz A. Forouzan, DeAnza College

ISBN: 844815617x
Copyright year: 2007

What's New

The Fourth Edition has major changes from the Third Edition, both in the organization and in the contents.

The following lists the changes in the organization of the book:
1. Chapter 6 now contains multiplexing as well as spreading.
2. Chapter 8 is now totally devoted to switching.
3. The contents of Chapter 12 are moved to Chapter 11.
4. Chapter 17 covers SONET technology.
5. Chapter 19 discusses IP addressing.
6. Chapter 20 is devoted to the Internet Protocol.
7. Chapter 21 discusses three protocols: ARP, ICMP, and IGMP.
8. Chapter 28 is new and devoted to network management in the Internet.
9. The previous Chapters 29 to 31 are now Chapters 30 to 32.

We have revised the contents of many chapters including the following:
1. The contents of Chapters 1 to 5 are revised and augmented. Examples are added to clarify the contents.
2. The contents of Chapter 10 are revised and augmented to include methods of error detection and correction.
3. Chapter 11 is revised to include a full discussion of several control link protocols.
4. Delivery, forwarding, and routing of datagrams are added to Chapter 22.
5. The new transport protocol, SCTP, is added to Chapter 23.
6. The contents of Chapters 30, 31, and 32 are revised and augmented to include additional discussion about security issues and the Internet.
7. New examples are added to clarify the understanding of concepts.

End Materials
1. A section is added to the end of each chapter listing additional sources for study.
2. The review questions are changed and updated.
3. The multiple-choice questions are moved to the book site to allow students to self-test
their knowledge about the contents of the chapter and receive immediate feedback.
4. Exercises are revised and new ones are added to the appropriate chapters.
5. Some chapters contain research activities.

Instructional Materials
Instructional materials for both the student and the teacher are revised and augmented. You can find them all in one convenient place – as part of the Online Learning Center!

For students, the following supplements are available:
1. Self-Grading Quizzes with all new multiple choice content
2. Selected, Fully-Worked Solutions not only allow students to self-check, but also allow them to see how a problem is worked through step-by-step.
3. Flashcards provide a fast review of key words and ideas
4. Animations bring to life important networking and communications concepts
5. PowerPoint slides with all figures and tables from the book
6. Glossary for easy reference

Upon accessing the password-protected Instructor Resource Center, instructors can find:
1. Complete Solutions Manual with all solutions fully explained and accompanied by full-color figures and tables (as needed)
2. PowerPoint slides with all figures and tables from the book
3. Errata sheet

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.