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Groundwater Hydrology

Bhagu R Chahar

ISBN: 9339204638
Copyright year: 2014

Salient Features

This book focuses on assessment, development, utilization and management of groundwater and hence enables the readers to acquire a complete understanding of the groundwater hydrology as well as prepares them for addressing groundwater issues. It will serve the needs of undergraduate and graduate students of civil engineering as well as professionals in hydrogeology, groundwater engineering, water resources engineering, agricultural engineering, earth sciences, water resources management, geotechnical engineering, and environmental sciences.

Salient Features :

  • Provides detailed coverage on well hydraulics along with groundwater prospecting, and well logging, construction, development, maintenance and design

  • Principles of groundwater flow presented through elaborate derivation of governing differential equations and their analytical solutions for simple boundary conditions

  • Separate chapters on groundwater flow solution by complex analysis, and through unsaturated media

  • Incorporates sufficient theoretical material to grasp the concepts even by bypassing the clutter of mathematical equations

  • Rich pedagogy including illustrations, solved examples, numerical problems, and questions.

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