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Cover Image
Houston CC: Anatomy & Physiology , 6/e
Rod Seeley, Idaho State University
Trent Stephens, Idaho State University
Philip Tate, Phoenix College

Teaching and Learning Supplements

McGraw-Hill offers various tools and technology products to support the sixth edition of Anatomy and Physiology. Students can order supplemental study materials by contacting the McGraw-Hill Customer Service Department at 800-338-3987. Instructors can obtain teaching aids by calling the Customer Service Department, visiting our A&P website at, or contacting your local McGraw-Hill sales representative.

Digital Content Manager

This multimedia collection of visual resources allows instructors to utilize artwork from the text in multiple formats to create customized classroom presentations, visually based tests and quizzes, dynamic course website content, or attractive printed support materials. The digital assets on this cross-platform CD-ROM are grouped by chapter within the following easy-to-use folders.

Art Library Full-color digital files of all illustrations in the book, plus the same art saved in unlabeled and gray scale versions, can be readily incorporated into lecture presentations, exams, or custom-made classroom materials. These images are also pre-inserted into blank PowerPoint slides for ease of use.
Photo Library Digital files of instructionally significant photographs from the text—including cadaver, bone, histology, and surface anatomy images—can be reproduced for multiple classroom uses.
PowerPoint Lecture Outlines Ready-made presentations that combine art and lecture notes are provided for each of the 29 chapters of the text. Written by Diane Teter, South Texas Community College, these lectures can be used as they are, or can be tailored to reflect your preferred lecture topics and sequences.
Table Library Every table that appears in the text is provided in electronic form.

In addition to the content found within each chapter, the Digital Content Manager for Anatomy and Physiology contains the following multimedia instructional materials.

Active Art Library Active Art consists of art files from key figures from the book that have been converted to a format that allows the artwork to be edited inside of Microsoft PowerPoint. Each piece or art inside an Active Art presentation can be broken down to its core elements, grouped or ungrouped, and edited to create customized illustrations.
Animations Library Numerous full-color animations illustrating physiological processes are provided. Harness the visual impact of processes in motion by importing these files into classroom presentations or online course materials.

Online Learning Center

The Anatomy and Physiology Online Learning Center (OLC) at offers access to a vast array of premium online content to fortify the learning and teaching experience.
Essential Study Partner A collection of interactive study modules that contains hundreds of animations, learning activities, and quizzes designed to help students grasp complex concepts.
PowerWeb An online supplement that offers access to course-specific current articles refereed by content experts, course-specific real-time news, weekly course updates, refereed and updated research links, daily news, and the Special Collection™ of journals and articles. An electronic meeting place for students and instructors that provides an exhaustive set of up-to-date resources pertaining to the life sciences in one convenient place.
Online Tutoring A 24-hour tutorial service moderated by qualified instructors. Help with difficult concepts is only an email away.

In addition to these outstanding online tools, the OLC features specialized content for both students and instructors using the sixth edition of Anatomy and Physiology.

Student Center

The Student Center of the OLC features quizzes, interactive learning games, and study tools tailored to coincide with each chapter of the text. Turn to the inside front cover and to p. xxi of the Guided Tour to learn more about the exciting features found on this student resource.

Instructor Center

The Instructor Center is an online repository for teaching aids. It houses downloadable and printable versions of traditional ancillaries plus a wealth of online content.

PowerPoint Lectures The chapter-specific lecture presentations found on the Digital Content Manager can be accessed via the OLC.
Instructor’s Manual Written by Amy Griffin Ouchley, University of Louisiana at Monroe, this resource provides the following instructional aids for each chapter: discussion topics, learning strategies, and suggestions for how to incorporate four unifying themes central to the study of anatomy and physiology (structure and function; homeostasis; cell theory and biochemistry; and changes through time) into your coverage of each chapter.
Instructor’s Manual for the Laboratory Manual A helpful preparation guide, written by laboratory manual author Eric Wise, that includes suggestions for coordinating lab exercises with the textbook, set-up instructions and materials lists, and answers to the laboratory review questions at the end of each exercise.
PageOut - McGraw-Hill’s exclusive tool for creating your own website for your A&P course. It requires no knowledge of coding and is hosted by McGraw-Hill.
Course Management Systems OLC content is readily compatible with online course management software such as WebCT and Blackboard. Contact your local McGraw-Hill sales representative for details.

Laboratory Manual

The Laboratory Manual to accompany Anatomy and Physiology by Eric Wise of Santa Barbara City College is expressly written to coincide with the chapters of Anatomy and Physiology. This lab manual has been revised to include clearer explanations of physiology experiments and computer simulations that serve as alternatives to frog experimentation. Other improvements include a greatly expanded set of review questions at the end of each lab, plus numerous new photographs and artwork.


This exhaustive set of transparency overheads includes every piece of line art in the textbook, plus over 100 unlabeled acetates. Images are printed with better visibility and contrast than ever before, and labels are large and bold for clear projection.

Computerized Test Bank

Available on CD-ROM in both Mac and Windows platforms, this test bank utilizes Brownstone Diploma© testing software to quickly create customized exams. This user-friendly program allows instructors to search for questions by topic, format, or difficulty level; edit existing questions or add new ones; and scramble questions and answer keys for multiple versions of the same test.

Life Science Animations Library CD-ROM

This CD-ROM contains over 400 animations in an easy-to-use program that enables users to quickly view the animations and import them into PowerPoint to create multimedia presentations.

Grade Summit

GradeSummit, found at, is an Internet-based self-assessment service that provides students and faculty with diagnostic information about subject strengths and weaknesses. This detailed feedback and direction enables learners and teachers to focus study time on areas where they will be most effective. GradeSummit also enables instructors to measure their students' progress and assess that progress relative to others in their classes and worldwide.