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Student Learning Outcomes
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After studying this chapter, you will be able to
  1. Distinguish micronutrients from macronutrients.
  2. Define the term vitamin and list 3 characteristics of vitamins as a group.
  3. Classify the vitamins according to whether they are fat soluble or water soluble.
  4. Describe vitamin and mineral absorption, transport, and storage.
  5. List food groups that are dietary sources of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Describe the toxicity risks of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Contrast the dietary need for major minerals with the need for trace minerals.
  8. Describe factors that affect the absorption of minerals.
  9. Identify factors that influence the vitamin and mineral content of foods.
  10. Describe the key functions of micronutrients.
  11. Evaluate the use of vitamin and mineral supplements with respect to their potential benefits and risks to health.
  12. Describe the development of cancer and the effect of genetic, environmental, and dietary factors on the risk of developing cancer.

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