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Student Learning Outcomes
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After studying this chapter, you will be able to
  1. Describe the factors that predict a successful pregnancy outcome.
  2. List major physiological changes that occur in the body during pregnancy and describe how nutrient needs are altered.
  3. Specify the optimal weight gain during pregnancy for adult women.
  4. Describe the special nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women, summarize factors that put them at risk for nutrient deficiencies, and plan a nutritious diet for them.
  5. Identify nutrients that often need to be supplemented during pregnancy and lactation and explain the reason for each.
  6. Discuss potential nutrition-related problems that occur during pregnancy and suggest techniques for coping with these problems.
  7. List substances and practices to avoid during pregnancy and lactation and describe why they are harmful.
  8. Describe the physiological process of breastfeeding.

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