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Which of the following is false about normal growth and development?
A)The peak velocity of growth is infancy
B)Adolescent girls start puberty between 10-13 years old
C)1/3 of all growth occurs during adolescence
D)Puberty ends 1 year after it begins
Which of the following is false about growth during infancy?
A)Height increases by 50% in the first year
B)Infants double their birth weights in about 4-6 months
C)Infants increase their height by 200% in the first year
D)Infants triple their birth weights in about a year
How much fat does an infant need?
A)10-15% of kcalories
B)15-20% of kcalories
C)40% of kcalories
D)40-55% of kcalories
Which of the following is true about infant nutrient needs?
A)Newborns need 50 kcalories per pound per day
B)Newborns need 1 gram per kilogram of bodyweight of protein per day
C)Newborns can't get enough water
D)Newborns need 30% of kcalories from fat a day
How is human milk different than infant formula (artificial milk)?
A)Human milk has lactoferrin
B)"Formula" has no immunological protection
C)Human milk has cholesterol
D)All of these choices are correct

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