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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 4/e
Rod R. Seeley, Idaho State University
Philip Tate, Phoenix College
Trent D. Stephens, Idaho State University

The Heart

Internet Activities

LUMEN Structure of the Human Body Home Page

This anatomy site maintained by Loyola University School of Medicine provides the user with a wealth of information about the human body. Follow the interface and investigate cardiac histology and the circulatory system.
Question: A. What are intercalated discs?
B. What is the function of intercalated discs?
Medical Imaging: Cardiac Images

Images of the circulatory system were acquired from the Toshiba biplane cardiac catheterization system at this site.
Question: On a piece of paper, list and describe several images available at this site.
B. How can this site help an anatomy student?
COHIS: Cardiovascular Diseases: Main Menu

A.K. Gupta at Boston University Medical Center has developed this extensive site about the heart.
Question: A. Describe several topics discussed at this site.
B. Evaluate the 3D images of the heart used at this site.
The Structure of the Human Heart

Explore the structure of the human heart at this site.
Question: Why can you feel your heart beating better on your left side?
Heart Attack

This extensive site discusses information about heart attacks.
Question: Describe several treatments of heart attacks.