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JiTT Exercises
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Please Note: It may not always be possible to include the necessary special characters, superscripts, subscripts, etc. in e-mail responses to this group of exercises. We suggest that you discuss this matter with your professor/class and decide upon a system for indicating such characters. You may cut/paste some characters and/or Greek letters from Microsoft Word, using the Insert menu. Alternatively, we suggest that you agree upon abbreviations for or spell out symbols, Greek letters, or characters and indicate superscripts and subscripts by using "sup", "sub", or up/down carats.

Why does a particle confined to a finite box have only a finite number of bound states?
Why does a confined particle have quantized energy levels?
When a particle's kinetic energy increases, what happens to its de Broglie wavelength?
A fly with a mass of 1.0 × 10-4 kg crawls across a table at a speed of 2 mm/s. Compute the de Broglie wavelength of the fly and compare it to the size of a proton (about 1 fm).
What is the ratio of the wavelength of a 0.100-keV photon to the wavelength of a 0.100-keV electron?
What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving at speed 3/5 c?
An electron passes through a slit of width 1.0 × 10-8 m. What is the uncertainty in the electron's momentum component in the direction perpendicular to the slit but in the plane containing the slit?
What are the possible values of Lz (the component of angular momentum along the z-axis) for the electron in the second excited state (n = 3) of the hydrogen atom?
What is the largest number of electrons with the same pair of values for n and l that an atom can have?

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