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Key People Quiz
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Matching Exercises

Lawrence Kohlberg


Mildred Parten


Diana Baumrind


Sigmund Freud


Jean Piaget


James A. Russell


Lev Vygotsky


Erik Erikson


Michael Perlman and Hildy Ross

A)Gender constancy develops in concert with conservation at around six to seven years of age.
B)Parenting style is related to children's socioemotional development.
C)Play is an excellent setting for cognitive development.
D)The acquisition of the understanding of some emotions does not go from a complete lack of comprehension to full knowledge; rather, the path is gradual.
E)Children think in two distinctly different ways about morality, depending on their developmental maturity.
F)The crisis of early childhood is one of initiative versus guilt.
G)Children's play can be classified according to the amount of social interaction that occurs.
H)The child's superego develops as he or she resolves the Oedipus conflict and identifies with the same-sex parent.
I)Disputes between two- and four-year-old siblings occur an average of 6.3 times per hour and parents intervene in about 57 percent of these disputes.

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