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Key Terms
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Below are the key terms featured in this chapter. The textbook's full glossary is also available for online searching.

Activity theory  The more active older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with life
Ageism  Prejudice against other people because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults
Body transcendence versus body preoccupation  Elderly coping with declining physical well-being
Disengagement theory  To cope effectively, older adults should gradually withdraw from society
Ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation  A developmental task of aging described by Peck in which older adults must come to feel at ease with themselves concerning death and the contribution they have made during their lives
Eldercare  Physical and emotional caretaking for older members of the family
Generational inequity  An aging society being unfair to younger members as the elderly pile up advantages
Integrity versus despair  Reflect on the past and see it as a positive review or conclude life was not well spent
Selective optimism with compensation theory  The theory that successful aging is related to selection, optimizing, and compensation
Socioemotional selectivity theory  Older adults become more selective about their social values

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