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Student Games
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Circular Ashte Kashte (2–4 Players)

Materials Needed:
• 4 tokens per player (each player should have distinguishable tokens)
• 4 coins per group
BLM: Circular Ashte Kashte (31.0K)

Ashte Kashte is a racing game thought to have originated in India. A variant of the standard board is the circular board, consisting of a number of concentric circles. From 2 to 4 players begin on the coloured sectors. The object of the game is to reach the circle in the centre before anyone else.

1. Use the game board on BLM: Circular Ashte Kashte.

2. Players start on their starting sector. One at a time, they toss the four coins and move a token counterclockwise around the ring the number of spaces equal to the number of heads showing from their toss.

3. Play moves clockwise.
• On a second or subsequent turn, players may choose to start another token, or continue with the first token.
• Tokens move around the board until they have covered the first circle.
• They then move inwards to the next circle closer to the centre, and proceed counterclockwise.

4. Players who land a token on a sector occupied by an opponent’s piece capture the piece. The piece is removed from the board and has to start again.
• Pieces on a coloured sector cannot be landed on or captured.

5. Players who land on one of their own pieces create a double piece.
• Doubles may be moved together.
• Only other doubles can capture them.
• Doubles cannot be passed over, or jumped.

6. The middle circle may be entered only by a direct throw. If a player throws too high a number, another token must be moved, or the turn is forfeit.

7. The winner is the first player with all four tokens in the centre.

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