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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following tactics involves closely following a person who has just gained access to a building?
A)Brute-force attack
B)Dumpster diving
C)Piggy backing
D)Social engineering

The tactic in which an attacker leans over to read another person's e-mail in a cyber café is called ____.
A)dumpster diving
C)reverse social engineering
D)shoulder surfing

Which of the following tactics is used by a dumpster diver to gain confidential information?
A)Convince a target to initiate a contact.
B)Rummage a target's trash.
C)Seek information on the basis of sympathy.
D)Threaten a vulnerable target.

Avenues that can be used to access a system by circumventing security mechanisms in place are called ____.
B)dumpster divers

Which of the following activities is considered a good practice that every user in an organization should adopt?
A)Discussing sensitive information only with family members.
B)Downloading attachments from unsolicited e-mails.
C)Shredding organizational information documents before discarding.
D)Writing passwords and sticking them inside personal lockers.

The goal of ____ is to convince the target to provide information or accomplish some act that they normally would not do.
A)dumpster diving
B)reverse social engineering
C)shoulder surfing
D)social engineering

The technique in which an attacker convinces an authorized user to pass classified information to an unauthorized person is called ____.
A)dumpster diving
B)reverse social engineering
C)shoulder surfing
D)social engineering

An approach in which the attacker hopes to convince the target to initiate contact to get them to voluntarily divulge sensitive or important information is called ____.
A)backdoor entry
B)reverse social engineering
C)shoulder surfing
D)social engineering

Which of the following activities is considered a good security practice?
A)Being aware of who is around when discussing sensitive issues.
B)Discussing organizational information with family members and friends.
C)Divulging sensitive information to other company employees.
D)Leaving confidential organizational information unattended.

Which of the following procedures is the single most effective method to counter potential social engineering attacks?
A)Changing user IDs and passwords on a regular basis.
B)Conducting security awareness training programs.
C)Establishing a layered security structure in the network environment.
D)Implementing new policies, procedures, and standards.

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